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她只是一个不入流的娼妓。She is just a two-bit whore.

老人用墨西哥土语骂着「你这婊子。」"Aqua mala, " the man said. "You whore.

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老人说。“你这婊子养的。“①。"Agua mala, " the man said. "You whore. "

你想唤醒真龙之怒吗,你这个小贱货?Do you want to wake the dragon, you stupid little whore?

美国是又要做婊子又要立牌坊的那一种。America is typical a whore wanting to pass off as a virgin.

但是我偏说,陈清扬就是破鞋,而且这一点毋庸置疑。But on the contrary I said Chen Qingyang was a whore doubtlessly.

Whore是古英语,伴随我们已有1000多年历史了。Whore is Old English and has been with us for more than 1000 years.

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凯特·温斯莱特对比利·赞恩说“我宁可做他的情妇也不做你的妻子。”Kate Winslet tells Billy Zane, "I'd rather be his whore than your wife."

所以她简直不明白,人们为什么要说她是破鞋。Because of this, she was simply confused why people said she was a whore.

这些所谓地大学艺术教育正象一个婊子的牌坊。The so-called art education in the University was just like a torii of a whore.

所谓江湖走唱是指一名艺术家出卖他的灵魂而以作品来交换金钱或毒品。A whore is an artist who sells his soul by accepting money or drugs for his art.

我的语言是人人都可招的娼妓,必须把她还原成处女。My language is a universal whore whom I have to make into a virgin. ?Karl Kraus.

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好,我们看看如何把这个话题转成我是一个贱人并且毁掉了一桩婚姻。Well, let’s see how I can make this about how I’m a whore and ruined a marriage.

我去找青楼女子,她却说我的生活只是烦扰,我还埋怨什么呢,因为这些只会让她更加失望。I went to a whore who said my life's a bore, so quit my whining 'cause it's bringing her down.

随便什么男的都行,她看待她的肉体就像我看待我衣袋里准备开小费的零钱一样,真是活见鬼的娼妓。Anybody. She uses her body like I use the loose change in my pocket for a tip. A whore made for the devil.

现在大家都管她叫破鞋,弄得她魂不守舍,几乎连自己是谁都不知道了。Now everybody called her a whore she felt utterly absent-minded and almost forget who she really was at all.

据我推测,她是一个向警方提供情况的线民,至少她试图叫我相信是这样的。At least that was what she was trying to make me believe. It was fairly obvious that she was just a little whore.

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别人没有义务先弄明白你是否偷汉再决定是否管你叫破鞋。People were not obligated to make their decision whether they called you a whore or not before they made it clear.

倒退到二十年前,想像我和陈清扬讨论破鞋问题时的情景。You might as well go back to 20 years before imagining how I discussed with Chen Qingyang about the question of a whore.

马克思清楚地明白,金钱不仅是人类的祸害和人尽可夫的娼妇,而且也是进步的重要工具。Marx was aware that money was not only a curse to human beings and a common whore of mankind, but also an important tool for development.