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座落在牛津郡的布福德是一个有趣的老地方。Burford in Oxfordshire is an interesting old place.

我驱车到牛津郡的法林登去探访乔治。I drove to Faringdon in Oxfordshire to meet George.

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这个情势仅在牛津郡就影响了6000多人。The condition affects more than 6, 000 people in Oxfordshire alone.

牛津郡隶属于林肯教区,并且在1542年拥有自己的主教。Oxfordshire was part of Lincoln Diocese, but got its own bishop in 1542.

家住在牛津郡内托贝的乔治娜。史密斯女士派猫头鹰给我送了一封信,提了一个很常见的问题。Mrs Georgina Smyth of Nettlebed in Oxfordshire has sent an owl with an all too common problem.

在牛津郡和北安普敦郡,车队所需的一切都应有尽有。Almost everything a racing team needs can be found without leaving Oxfordshire or Northamptonshire.

或许我会去探望住在牛津郡的父母,并邀请我的教子和他们的父母来喝茶。Or I might go to my parents' house in Oxfordshire and invite my godchildren and their parents over for tea.

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1970年代他和丽塔搬到了北部,他们生活在牛津郡的农场,并将其作为工作室。In the 1970s he and Rita moved to North End, the Oxfordshire farm where they still live and keep their studio.

如果你在英国,牛津郡和剑桥郡是学习英国口音的最好去处。If you're visiting England, Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire are brilliant places to pick up this kind of accent.

从一个更简单和更政治的层面来说,我在牛津郡同保守党和自由民主党拼争多年。On a more basic and more political level, for years I have fought both the Tories and Liberal Democrats in Oxfordshire.

牛津郡的居民被邀请参观一些最具环保概念的家,来取得灵感和生态环保上的意见。The people of Oxfordshire were invited to look inside some of the 'greenest' homes in the county for inspiration and eco advice.

不过联队相信他们将克服吉米的损失因为他们正在对他们在牛津郡的球探网络进行修补的进程…But the U's believe his loss will be overcome because they are in the process of revamping their scouting network throughout Oxfordshire.

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就在那时候,一只近旁的乌鸫,唱起来,围绕着他,越发朦胧的,越来越遥远的,越来越遥远的,所有的鸟儿。And for that minute a blackbird sang Close by, and round him, mistier, Farther and farther, all the birds Of Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire.

十八个“绿色”的房子,吸引了牛津郡的访客来参观,来响应英国最大一次的生态环保屋,开放周末。Eighteen 'green' houses opened their doors to visitors in the Oxfordshire as part of Britain's largest eco-homes 'Open Doors Weekend' to date.

2003年7月17日,凯利像往常一样沿着牛津郡散步,这时,根据官方报告的说法,他吞下了29片止痛药并割开手腕。On July 17th 2003, Kelly went on his daily walk through the Oxfordshire country, and, according to the official report, swallowed up to 29 painkillers and slashed his wrist.