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这个漂亮的跑车是强大的,因为它是脚踏实地。This comely coupe is as powerful as it is surefooted.

如果你有一个家,你就会觉得踏实和温暖。If you have a family, you will feel surefooted and warm.

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然后,你在那巨石下挖洞弄出了一双稳当之靴。Later, you dig a hole beneath the boulder and lift out a pair of Surefooted Boots.

我是一个脚踏实地,刻苦努力,有责任心的人,热爱并且享受翻译工作。I'm surefooted and am an industrious, responsible person. I love translating and often enjoy the job.

掌握交流技巧,诚实,勤奋,能在压力下工作。Excellent communication skills. Hardworking, diligent, honest, surefooted and can work under pressure.

英语口语流利,工作认真踏实,具有服装对外贸易从业经验。English speak fluent , working earnest and surefooted who have the experience of garment foreign trade.

我有很强的动手能力,并且脚踏实地的努力的办好每一件事。I have strong practical ability, and will be surefooted and work hard to accomplish every piece of work!

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对药房的管理有独到之处。工作勤劳、努力、踏实。She is laborious, studious and surefooted at work and has the original method in the management of dispensary.

我是摩羯座的,他们说摩羯座的人具有高度的工作热情和埋头苦干的精神。I'm Capricornus, as we all know that , the man who is Capricornus have highly working enthusiasm and surefooted spirit.

我们渴望用脚踏实地的跋涉和坚持不懈的努力,与您一起托起一轮升腾的太阳。We are looking forward to create a promising future hand in hand with you through our surefooted trudge and unceasing efforts.

我们脚踏实地、心怀信仰,秉承了宝贵的自由权利并将其安全地交到了下一代的手中。We are surefooted , we are believing, and we hand the precious Freedom Right , which we inherited , to future generations safely.

这一事件表明,虽然奥巴马内阁一向以脚踏实地的良好公共关系运作风而引以为豪,但是当出现错误时内阁还是会很严格的秉公执法的。It's an indication of the Obama Administration which prides itself on a surefooted public relations operation can be ruthless when mistakes are made.

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这表明,奥巴马政府一向引以为荣的脚踏实地的公众关系在出现错误时是非常残忍的。It's an indication of the Obama administration which prides itself on a surefooted public relations operation can be ruthless when mistakes are made.

最后,请好好珍惜上天赐给我们的每一天,多用现在流行QQ,MSN做些有意义的事,让自己的生活更加充实…Finally, pls cherish everyday which is heaven offer us, to do more valuable and useful things by adopting QQ and MSN, and making our life more surefooted and sureness.

所谓“曲则全”,写作中最可信的捷径就是选择那些有力、稳当的单词,好让读者理解。The longest way round is usually the shortest way home, and the one truly reliable shortcut in writing is to choose words that are strong and surefooted to carry readers on their way.