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当然一定是匿名的。Always anonymously.

举报可以匿名打电话1-800-POACHER。Tips may be phoned anonymously to1-800-POACHER.

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有人从网上匿名给我们发了这段视频录像。We received this video anonymously through the internet.

那么,我们怎样隐藏IP,安全、匿名地在网上冲浪呢?So how do we hide IP and securely surf the web anonymously?

他们把忏悔词写在一张纸上,由祷告小组领袖匿名宣读。They wrote confessions on papers that were read out anonymously.

直到有谨慎的用户建议匿名共享文件网络流量才开始恢复。But only until canny web users figured out the way to share files anonymously.

这些信息都可以根据用户在网站的行为习惯进行隐含设置。This information can be mined anonymously from the user behavior on a website.

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此外,许多博客作者以匿名方式在网上发表辱骂性的评论。In addition, many bloggers engage anonymously in vituperative online commentary.

这本书在2004年匿名发表过,但作者是朔伊尔先生这件事,很快就被人拆穿了。It was published anonymously in 2004, but Mr Scheuer was soon outed as the author.

意即,我们可以生成匿名类型对象的数组,如清单5-25所示。This means we can createarrays of anonymously typed objects, as shown in Listing 5-25.

评估的记录,所有申请人是匿名和对非分级的基础上。Assessment of the records of all applicants is made anonymously and on a non-graded basis.

通过寻求匿名和秘密的反馈,确保人们对你所说的都是真话。Make sure people are honest with you by requesting feedback anonymously and confidentially.

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当在一个元素中以匿名方式定义某个类型时,只有那个元素采用此类型。When a type is defined anonymously within an element, only that element can be of that type.

中国报纸中消息来源不明的报道在准确度上一向都不尽如人意。Anonymously sourced stories in Chinese newspapers have a less than stellar record of accuracy.

然而许多学校设立了匿名地报告欺凌人或者有暴力倾向的的方式。But lots of schools have set up ways to report bullying or the possibility of violence anonymously.

现代学者基本上认为,四卷福音都是匿名出版的。Basically,what modern scholars believe is that all four of these gospels were anonymously published.

然后显示各种表单来删除照片、修改照片名或以匿名方式或作为用户发布评论。Then you show forms to delete the image, change its name, or post a comment anonymously or as a user.

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采用分层整群抽样方法,对杭州市某综合性大学的839名大学生进行匿名式问卷调查。Methods An anonymously questionnaire survey was conducted among a random sample of 839 undergraduates.

用这个网站匿名地冲浪吧,他可以把你的冲浪行为掩藏于窥探者眼皮底下。Hide your web surfing activities from prying eyes and snoops while using this website to surf the net anonymously.

她爱慕的对象如此之多以致于会以匿名的方式给她在Facebook上的朋友发送许多虚拟礼物,而仅仅是为了看看他们的反映。So much so that she anonymously sends dozens of virtual gifts to her Facebook friends simply to see their reactions.