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他经济受窘。He is embarrassed financially.

许多网络公司陷入财务困境。Many dot-coms are financially strapped.

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我最近手头有点儿紧。I am a bit financially overstretched recently.

但是,为了赚钱,你必须学会融资。But to make money, you must be financially literate.

至少你的对手财政上是理性的。After all, your competitors are financially rational.

它会伤害你的自尊,经济上也会遭受沉重打击。It can hurt your ego, and financially it’s a big hit.

通常天使投资金对创业者而言是一桩公平的买卖。Usually angels are financially equivalent to founders.

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这样当我们退休时将步入百万富翁的行列,依靠教师工资过上经济上有保障的生活。We live a financially secure life on a teacher’s salary.

单靠领救济金你无法在财务上独立。You can't become financially independent on food stamps.

如果失败后被经济问题所困怎么办呢?How about if the failure leaves you financially strapped?

我很抱歉,我没办法在财务上帮你忙。I'm sorry, I'm not in a position to help you financially.

我在感情上、身体上和经济上都快支持不住了。Emotionally, physically, and financially I was on the ropes.

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自那以后,我们在金融上就一直处于保守。We've been in that financially conservative place ever since.

同时,他还认为自己在经济上是正直无欺的。At the same time he still believed himself financially honest.

医生想要帮助他们,而且可能也受到金钱刺激。Doctors want to help them and may be financially incentivized.

我在经济上用什么维持我的生活方式呢?Was what I am bringing in financially sustaining my lifestyle?

做好法律准备,支付公平合理的财务补偿Cover your legal bases, and be financially fair and reasonable.

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你需要在财政方面领先一步的教育。You need education and, increasingly, a head-start financially.

你怎样知道家里财务状况是否能够再供一个孩子?How do you know whether another child is financially out-of-reach?

我是公司资助的,上面写的公司老板的名字。It is a local entrepeneur who is wiling to sponsor me financially.