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我还过得去。I get by.

通过选择。By choice.

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通过例子。By example.

按类型排序。Sort by type.

时间在流逝。Time pass by.

用3除9。Devide 9 by 3.

我是指搭公车。I mean by bus.

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通过事件组。By event group.

是啊!我自己。Yup! By myself.

作者约翰·格里森姆。By John Grisham.

他靠笔耕为生。He lives by pen.

怎么弄?喝酒吗?How?By drinking?

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时光荏苒,岁月流逝。Years passed by.

由乔治比才。By Georges Bizet.

通过加一个蛋。By adding an egg.

水陆路还是航空?By sea or by air?

我坐汽车回家。I go home by car.

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这部作品来自于何先生。This work, by Mr.

用心在看么?Watched by heart?

我们可以坐汽车去。We can go by bus.