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现在我们将要开始制作背后的褶。Now we're going to pleat the backside.

这个演员屁股上都长羽毛儿。The actor has feathers on his backside.

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他的背擦着墙壁滑过好长一段距离。His backside crashed against the far wall.

我们能感到龙焰灼背。We feel the dragon's fire on our backside.

小心点,不然你会仰天摔一跤。Be careful or you'll fall on your backside.

正坐就是跪着,后面有支撑。Seiza is a kneeling position where the backside is supported.

熨石是平底水晶石背面有热溶黏剂。"Hotfix" is an adhesive on the backside of a Flat Back Crystal.

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“屁股受到巨大的一“踢”,然后你就飞出去了。You get one almighty kick under the backside and then you're gone.

学习流行推,它滑板,然后再尝试一屁股大自旋。Learn the pop shove-it skateboard trick before trying a backside big spin.

一天,摩西领羊群往野外去,到了何烈山。One day Moses led Jethros sheep to the backside of the desert, to Mount Horeb.

回鹘文契约中有倒写文字,常见于纸背。There are upside-down scripts in Uygur writings, usually on the backside of the paper.

当我们蹒跚进入看到的第一家法国咖啡馆时,盖勒柯斯问我,“你的后背是怎么回事?”"How's your backside?" Galaxy asked, when we hobbled in to the first French café we saw.

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通过对芯片进行背面减薄和倒装连接,可以实现有源芯片的埋嵌。The embedded active chip also can be realized by backside thinning and flip chip bonding.

然后,一个勇敢的一年级新生冲过去用大脚趾顶了顶她的后背。Then one brave little first-year darted up to her and prodded her backside with his big toe.

而一切喧闹的背后是默默注视和等待的开发者。And all Bacchic backside are the developer that be looked attentively at silently and awaits.

我们虽然从三百万像素升级到五百万像素,但是相机所用的仍然是背照式的感应器。So we've gone from 3 megapixel to 5 megapixel, but we're using a backside illuminated sensor.

将此反光片贴在汽车的后面,可以反射后方来车照射的灯光。The reflector, stuck on the backside of a car, will reflect the ray from the backside car lamp.

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本发明揭示一种用于制作从晶片的背侧检测光的成像器的结构及方法。A structure and method for fabricating imagers that detect light from the backside of the wafer.

她照詹姆斯·斯派德吩咐的做了,却被她屁股上一下用力大声而使人兴奋的拍打吓了一跳。She does as instructed and is surprised by a loud, hard, and electrifying smack to her backside.

这个背后的东西就是我们一个核心竞争力,也是这个品类一个门槛。The thing of this backside is us competition ability of a core, also be this category a doorsill.