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萎缩性鼻炎是非常困难的治疗。Atrophic rhinitis is very difficult to treat.

萎缩性胃炎能吃醋泡生姜吗?Atrophic gastritis can be jealous of ginger soak it?

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右边是残余萎缩的肾上腺。Some remaining atrophic adrenal is seen at the right.

对照组各时间段仅见少量萎缩的腺泡细胞。Few atrophic acinar cells was observed in control group.

萎缩细胞的功能下降,但未死亡。Atrophic cells have diminished function but are not dead.

萎缩的上皮在大多数病例中有钉突丧失。The atrophic epithelium has in most cases lost its rete pegs.

得萎缩性鼻炎的人有什么症状?。What symptom does the person of atrophic sexual rhinitis have?

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簇状萎缩的前列腺腺泡伴发增生性改变。Clusters of atrophic prostatic acini with proliferative changes.

早期或轻度萎缩性鼻炎,亦可仅有痂皮,而无恶臭气味。Early or mild atrophic rhinitis, can only crust, but no foul odor.

例如,GHP也常常发生于萎缩性胃炎背景。For example, GHP also usually arises in a background of atrophic gastritis.

另外,隐睾、炎症也可导致萎缩。A cryptorchid testis will also be atrophic. Inflammation may lead to atrophy.

慢性萎缩性胃炎在45岁以下的人群中仅见于饮酒者。Below 45 years of age, chronic atrophic gastritis was seen only in alcoholics.

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四肢皮肤明显硬化萎缩,部分关节强直固定。The lesions were markedly atrophic and sclerotic . Some joints were stiffened.

结论大部分萎缩性舌炎与大细胞性贫血密切相关。Conclusion Most subjects of atrophic glossitis are caused by megalocytic anemia.

目的探讨恶性萎缩性丘疹病的临床病理特征。Objective To study the clinicopathological features of malignant atrophic papulosis.

目的探讨萎缩性舌炎与大细胞性贫血的关系。Objective To study the relationship between atrophic glossitis and megalocytic anemia.

导管系统上皮脱落,形成栓子阻塞导管。The ductal system underwent atrophic changes, and thrombotic obliteration of main duct.

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上述结果说明,胶体或滤泡的体积变小萎缩。These results showed that the colloid or follicular volume became smaller and atrophic.

组织病理改变符合硬化性萎缩性苔藓。The change of histopathology on the vulva lesion was consistent with sclerotic atrophic lichen.

目的探讨萎缩性胆囊炎并颈部结石的治疗方法。Objective To study the treatment of atrophic cholecystitis with stones in the neck of cholecyst.