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她说“莎莎舞让我知道了什么是激情”。Because of salsa I know passion.

萨尔萨舞的起源是有争议的。The origins of salsa are disputed.

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参加萨萨或是行舞课程。Go to salsa or line-dancing classes.

你不能想像生活萨尔萨。You cannot imagine life without salsa.

您认为如何萨尔萨应该跳舞。You argue about how salsa should be danced.

也有年轻人练习目前最流行的萨尔萨舞。You can also see younger people dancing Salsa.

意大利男人无法拒绝番茄酱。No Italian man can resist la salsa di pomodoro.

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您有萨尔萨音乐在您的电话答录机。You have salsa music on your answering machine.

妮可,当时是什么音乐来着?桑巴舞,萨尔萨舞。Nicole, what kind of music was that? Samba, Salsa.

对于许多学生,萨尔萨不仅仅是一个爱好。For many students, salsa is more than just a hobby.

想增加额外的美味,可以加上您喜爱的辣调味汁。For extra zing, top it off with your favorite salsa.

或者我端出一碗薯条和调味汁让他在房间对面吃。Or I’d set out a bowl of chips and salsa across the room.

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你的家人大衣的武器功能一对夫妇萨尔萨舞。Your family coat-of-arms features a couple salsa dancing.

你已经跳萨尔萨而在你母亲的子宫。You were already dancing salsa while in your mother's womb.

于是,我开始教我的Salsa朋友学国际音标。So I started to teach phonetic symbols to our Salsa friends.

对翅碱蓬籽的营养成分进行了分析研究。The nutritional components of Suaeda salsa seeds were studied.

技术咨询方案是一个时尚的舞步时使用的莎莎舞。The tap is a stylish dance move to use when dancing the Salsa.

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把完成的辣酱倒入碗中,加入盐和黑胡椒粉尝味。Pour out the salsa into a bowl and add salt and pepper to taste.

以盐地碱蓬油为原料制备生物柴油。Suaeda salsa oil as raw materials was used to produce biodiesel.

你自己可以加些卤汁、香料或洒些新鲜的调味汁来调味。Add flavor with marinades, spice rubs, or top it with fresh salsa.