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全息摄影将得到普及。Holographic cameras will become widespread.

需要我唤醒全息精神病学医师吗?Should I call up the holographic psychiatrist?

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你们将籍由感觉认识全息嵌入。You will recognize holographic inserts by feeling.

光聚合物是一种新的光全息记录材料。Photopolymer is one new holographic recording medium.

全息嵌入有能量领域而且可以探寻到。Holographic inserts have energy fields and can be dowsed.

角度复用全息存储研究。Study on angularly multiplexed volume holographic recording.

如果全息噪音被发现,这究竟意味着什么?So what would it mean it if holographic noise has been found?

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象平面全息干涉术是一门新的光学干涉技术。Image plane holographic is a new optical interference technique.

Chanel的全息指甲油是我非常渴望的款式之一。The Chanel Holographic nail polish is one I've been longing for.

最终,我们将使全息影像在电视屏幕上喷薄而出。Eventually we'll have holographic images bursting out of your TV.

下面介绍边到边全息图像光盘的具体特征。Shown below are specific features of edge-to-edge holographic CD's.

给出了制作全色全息干版的工艺。The making technology of panchromatic holographic plate was supplied.

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晶片系列大体上分为镭射膜、光片两类产品。Series of Sequin It usually includes holographic film and glossy film.

这种缠绕因此在大中枢太阳梦想中变得全息。The intertwining became holographic within the sun's dream as a result.

合成孔径雷达获得的图像是一种准全息图像。The image acquired from synthetic aperture radar is a holographic image.

实验获得了较为满意的数字全息干涉图。The satisfactory holographic interferograms are obtained by this system.

说明该光致聚合物适合数字全息存储。These results show the photopolymer is adaptive to the holographic storage.

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补拍阿利的小型全息像时,扮演者是塔斯·贝利斯。Pickup photography of a small holographic Allie was shot with Tayce Bayliss.

被以太全息投影的寻路者不再可以跳跃。Pathfinders cloned with Ethereal's Holographic Projection can no longer jump.

其全息显示技术使全视觉深度高达12英寸。The holographic display enables full visual depth capability up to 12 inches.