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骗子太多,傻子明显不够用了。Cheater too obvious, fool enough to use.

他们是一个兜售工具的骗子。They are a selling tool for the cheater.

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这是揭露骗子的方法。This is the method that exposes cheater.

骗子盗号再截图配音。Cheater pilfer date again check scheme dub.

能把一个骗子改造成一个诚实的人。He can transform a cheater into an honest person.

我妈咪说那个老中医可神乐…Personally I would say that "Doctor" is a cheater.

安迪·沃霍尔是个骗子,因为他的作品都是助手做的。Andy Warhol was a cheater because he used assistants.

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他念着她的一句话,骗子那么多,明显傻子不够用。He read her sentence, cheater so much, not enough obviously.

骗子只会骗到自己,因为你不会和骗子在一起。A cheater only cheats himself, because he doesn't get to be with you.

阿霞痛下决心,与这个玩弄感情的骗子分手了。Xia is painful be determined, dallied with emotive cheater to part company with this.

最后大家都输了,因为今天的骗子在明天会被骗,反之亦然。In the end everyone loses, because today's cheater is tomorrow's cheated, and vice versa.

您认为一个变了心的人,其行为特征是什么样子的?What sorts of behaviors do you think are characteristic of someone who could be a cheater?

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我的名字听起来一点也不神秘,一点也不具有异国情调,反而听着像一个绝望的拼词作弊者。Instead of sounding exotic and mysterious, I sound like a really desperate Scrabble cheater.

动物如何发现它的对手是在虚张声势,而通过惩罚欺骗者,它们又能得到什么好处?。How does an animal know its rival is cheating and what does it gain from punishing the cheater?

去吃午饭时,当我碰到希瑟,觉得自己额头好像写着“作弊者”一样。By the time Heather and I met for lunch, I felt like I had "cheater" written across my forehead.

虽然技术高明,但这些网络骗子也令她相当头痛。Although the technology is brillant, but these network cheater also make her should have a headache.

为什么现在IDC市场那么难做,为什么很多人感觉IDC商十个有九个是骗子?Why is so difficult to IDC market, why many people feel that nine out of ten business IDC is cheater?

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花心是一种自私的行为,这种人根本不把自己的交往对象放在心里。Cheating is a self-serving act in which the cheater doesn't take his significant other into consideration.

黄女士说,骗子早已在“百度”上设了套,一步步骗取上当者的信任。Huang says, cheater is in already " Baidu " on set set, one step by step the accredit of the person that diddle is duped.

而且,什么是一个被背叛的妻子应该做的,如果她没有勇气或钱去聘请一个打手去教训那个骗子?And what should a betrayed wife do if she doesn't have the nerve or the money to hire a hit man to teach the cheater a lesson?