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公主殿下。Her Royal Highness.

那个包箱是空的。The royal box was empty.

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皇家礼炮还是12年陈酿?Royal Salute or 12 years?

打造帝豪集团品牌。Build Royal Group's brand.

皇家赛马会是一个赛马比赛。Royal Ascot is a horse race.

是英国皇家海军可怕的震慑力?Royal Navy's fearful impose?

欢迎您光临帝豪花园大酒店。Welcome to Royal Grand Hotel.

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我有阿喀留斯的贵族血统。I am of Achilles' royal blood.

他的妻子是王族的后裔。His wife was of royal ancestry.

那是比尔乔洛伊尔的歌吧?。Is that Billy Joe Royal?- Yeah.

现在宫廷剧很流行呢!Royal opera is very popular now!

为学之路无坦途。There is no royal road to learn.

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王室亭阁。Brighton Royal Pavilion, Brighton.

精忠的赤血点染了我的家传。I heritate the royal blood family.

皇家宠物食品公司是玛氏旗下的品牌。Royal Canin is a division of Mars.

1837年给学校颁发了王室特许状。Royal Charter was granted in 1837.

扮演皇室成员是她的拿手好戏。She seems at home playing a royal.

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皇家卫队仍在这里执行任务。The Danish Royal Guard is on duty.

在科学上是没有平坦的大路可走的。There is no royal road to science.

学无坦途。There's no royal road to learning.