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兽医微生物学上册,刘荣标编著,艺轩图书出版社。Veterinary Bacteriology and Virology Merchant &Packer. Seventh Edition.

HIV病毒的获取是依照现代滤过性微生物学最严格的标准执行。HIV has been isolated according to the most rigorous standards of modern virology.

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从免疫学、病毒学上,我们区域内的病人主要是血源传播和受感染。The immunology, Virology of patients in our areas are blood transmitted, and infected patients.

方法应用流行病学、病毒学、血清学等研究方法进行综合分析。Methods Comprehensive analysis was conducted by using method of epidemiology, virology serology.

他的专业研究范围涵盖了病毒学、免疫学和糖尿病,在1986年荣获埃利希奖。He has done extensive research in virology , immunology and diabetes. In 1986 he received the Paul Ehrlich Prize.

这一单个病例是一名27岁的医学研究生,他在新加坡一所病毒实验室工作。This single case is in a 27-year-old postgraduate medical student who worked in a virology laboratory in Singapore.

沃尔·托莫里是尼日利亚瑞迪美大学的一位病毒学教授。他说绝大多数的非洲国家都希望摧毁天花病毒。Oyewale Tomori, a virology professor at Redeemer's University in Nigeria, said most African countries want smallpox destroyed.

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罗氏是体外诊断领域、抗肿瘤药品和移植药品的全球领先者,是病毒学领域的市场领导者。Roche is the world leader in in-vitro diagnostics and drugs for cancer and transplantation, and is a market leader in virology.

世卫组织一个具有病毒学和实验室诊断方面专长的小组已与国家专家合作调查湖南的这些病例。A WHO team with expertise in virology and laboratory diagnosis has collaborated with national experts in the investigation of the cases in Hunan.

建所50年来,经过几代科学家艰苦卓绝地努力,在病毒学学科建设、人才培养、促进国家社会、经济发展等方面做出了重要贡献。In the past 50 years since its establishment, many generations of researchers have worked in developing virology research and educating students.

新的国家卫生实验室服务是一个非赢利性的、半国营的机构,它由南非医学研究所、国家病毒所和政府省属实验室组成。The new NHLS is a non-profit, parastatal organization composing of the SAIMR, National Institute for Virology and government provincial laboratories.

是的,德国汉堡的学者研究发现答案是肯定的。Yes, find researchers Ilona Hauber, PhD, of the Heinrich-Pette Institute for Experimental Virology and Immunology in Hamburg, Germany, and colleagues.

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来自圣巴特和伦敦皇家医院的病原学教授约翰牛津说,“人们可能猜想流感来势汹涌,会使大家丧命。"People might imagine a virus is now going to rush in and kill everyone, " said John Oxford, a professor of virology at St Bart's and Royal London hospital.

2003年,全世界多个国家和地区暴发了重症急性呼吸系统综合征,这也使冠状病毒的研究成为病毒学领域中最为关注的问题。Since the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in several regions of the world in2003 , the research on coronaviruses has become the focus of virology.

通过课堂教学、实验,要求学生掌握医学微生物学基本理论、基本知识及基本技能。This class introduces the bacteriology, virology and mycology . It asks the students to master the basic theory, knowledge and skill of the medical microbiology.

那些病毒分别被保存在美国亚特兰大的疾病控制和预防中心以及俄罗斯新西伯利亚的国家病毒和生物科技研究中心。The viruses are kept at the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta and the State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology in Novosibirsk, Siberia.

“人们可能以为这种病毒现正在迅速蔓延而导致每一个人病亡,”圣巴特及皇家伦敦医院的病毒学教授约翰·奥克斯佛说,“这绝不会发生。”People might imagine a virus is now going to rush in and kill everyone, " said John Oxford, a professor of virology at St Bart's and Royal London hospital. "That's not going to happen.

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武汉病毒研究所将秉承“求真务实、团结协作、勇于创新、追求卓越”的所风,在宁静、优美、和谐的科研环境中创造祖国科技事业的辉煌,努力为我国病毒学发展和国民经济建设做出更大的贡献。The institute's mission is "Excellence through Science, Cooperation and Innovation" as we strive to make further contributions to the field of virology and to the health and well being of our nation.

世卫组织收到报告后即组织了一个电话会议,来自有关医院的官员和工作人员以及临床医学、流行病学和病毒学专家出席会议并讨论了这两起疫情的情况。Upon receipt of the reports, WHO organized a telephone conference with officials and staff from the hospitals and experts in clinical medicine, epidemiology, and virology to discuss the two outbreaks.