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工资的未付或付得不足。Non-payment or underpayment of wages.

持有差额或超额支付部分的一方,可以就该数额向另一方开具发票。The party owed the amount of over or underpayment may invoice the other for such amount.

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随着市场经济的发展,失业在中国已经成为一个严重的社会问题。Whit the development of market economy, underpayment has become a serious social problem.

美国国税局还知道在特殊情况下放弃对人少付罚款。The IRS has also been known to waive underpayment penalties for people in special circumstances.

面对升息预期,提前还贷是否真能少付利息、获利获惠?Facing Shengxi expected to advance owing on the loan is really underpayment interest, profits were giving?

假如父亲所得税的减免额太少,今年年底就会发生不够缴付的结果。If too little is deducted from Dad's weekly wages for income tax it results in an underpayment at the end of the year.

如果父亲所得税的减免额太少,今年年底就会发生不够缴付的结果。If too little is deducted from Dad's weekly wages for income tax, it results in an underpayment at the end of the year.

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例如,帐记得不好经常导致所编所得税申报表造成的少付或多付税款。For example , poor records often lead to the preparation of income tax returns that result in underpayment or overpayment of taxes.

的调整表明,如果由公司少付,公司应支付承包商的少付的主题,以验证其金额。If the adjustments indicate an underpayment by COMPANY, COMPANY shall pay Contractor the amount of underpayment subject to verification thereof.

所有投诉付全国最低工资保密处理,并可能来电具名的,如果他们想这样做。All complaints about underpayment of the National Minimum Wage are treated in the strictest confidence and callers may remain anonymous if they wish to do so.

合作社盈余在性质上属于向社员“多收”或“少付”的款项,需遵循合理的分配顺序。Surplus of cooperatives which belongs to cooperatives'"excessive collection"or"underpayment"from members should be distributed according to reasonable orders.

总的说来第二种递减法少付点钱,但是一般人都不会等到30年才还清的,如果提前还贷的话就没有那么大差距了。In the second reduction law underpayment money, but most people will not wait 30 years to pay off. If early owing on the loan, then there is no such a big gap.

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作者研究指出公平准则对于最高决策者而言是至关重要的,同时作者还表示CEO的工资过高或过低都将降低组织水平。In this study the authors propose that norms of fairness are salient to top decision makers and show that over- or underpayment of the CEO cascades down to lower organizational levels.