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孩子们喜欢玩水。Children like to dabble in water.

他们浅尝涉足于右翼政治。They dabble in right-wing politics.

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他们也倾向于在魔术里溅水一点。They also tend to dabble in magic a bit.

一只鸭子不会常在统一条沟中玩水。A duck will not always dabble in the same gutter.

分享Dabble.in的链接不会让你更早的访问网站。Sharing’s link won’t get you early access.

不要轻率地做你不熟悉的事。Never dabble in things of which you have no knowledge.

他非常有音乐天赋,但满足于浅尝。He is a talented musician but is content to just dabble.

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是的,我们涉足文学,或者通俗点说是记叙文。Yes, we dabble in literature, and more generally, narrative.

在读八年级那年,我和她决定来尝试研究研究巫术。In 8th grade she and I decided to dabble a little in the Wiccan arts.

将一件事做到极致远远强于将四十件事作为兴趣浅尝辄止。Better far to do one thing pre-eminently well than to dabble in forty.

这些企业一般涉足清洁能源技术或者雇佣当地劳动者。These funds typically back businesses that dabble in clean tech or hire locals.

那么,这是否意味着我们这些谁豪华涉足世界中的罚款干红?So what does this mean for those of us who fancy a dabble in the world of fine Claret ?

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涉足一些你感兴趣的活动,当你十几岁的孩子在上高中的时候。Dabble in a few activities that you enjoy during your teen' s senior year of high school.

要欣赏到顶级工艺,那就准备至少拿出5,000欧元。To dabble at the high-end of the watchmaker's art, expect to part with at least 5,000 euros.

现在,我仍涉猎武术----在沙发床上展示自己闪电般的敏捷。I still dabble in martial arts – displaying all the lightning grace and agility of a sofabed.

Dabble最独特而又很有帮助的功能是可以将播放列表作为RSS导出。The most unique and helpful feature in Dabble is the ability to export playlists as RSS feeds.

然后抛弃所有的神秘物质,确保你不会再用任何方式篡改它。Then get rid of all occult material and make sure you do not dabble with the occult in any form.

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20世纪60年代初期,凭借其在电信行业的业务关系,它开始涉足早期的无线电话领域。In the early 1960s, thanks to its telecom connections, it began to dabble in early radio telephones.

在这个过程中,他们是这代人中首批涉足政治活动的人。In the process, they are among the first of their generation to dabble with political participation.

多数人在一个行业中稳定下来之前,都曾涉足各种不同的工作。For most people, it's not uncommon to dabble in a variety of things before settling on one occupation.