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想鼓励团队合作?Want to foster teamwork?

能暸解团队合作的意义。Know the meaning of teamwork.

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但我认为团队协作会更好。But I think teamwork would be better.

专横已然过时,团队合作才是正理。Being bossy is out and teamwork is in.

心胸开阔,易于沟通,有团队合作精神。Open-minded, easy going, teamwork spirit.

构成国际团队合作的联络网。Forming network for international teamwork.

那是一个创造性的工作,要求协作。It was creative work. It involved teamwork.

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软件实作的分工合作。Teamwork in the implementation of software.

有极强的团队意识,能承受工作压力。Good teamwork and bear the working pression.

胡老师不停地让我们记住要相互配合。Mr Hu kept on asking us to remember teamwork.

团队精神和协作供不应求。Teamwork and collaboration is in short supply.

很好的敬业和团队合作精神。With good working attitude and teamwork spirit.

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其他人够不着你。足球是一个团队活动。The others can'treach you. Football is teamwork.

能力可以赢得比赛,但团队才能赢得冠军。Talent wins gams, but teamwork wins championships.

杰出的团队工作需要有一组劲头实足的成员。Good teamwork requires a group of motivated people.

团队合作是这项训练计划的重要特点。Teamwork is a key feature of the training programme.

队员之间很难做到配合默契。Good teamwork between the players is not easy to get.

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因为这样,团队合作比以往的任何时候都要重要。Because of this, teamwork is more important than ever.

对于人与人之间的合作,疑神疑鬼总是有害。The suspicion of Procris is always harmful to teamwork.

陆战队机枪兵最重要的是团队合作!Teamwork is the key to the marine corps machine-gun squad!