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这是一种中性盐。It is a neutral salt.

科学是价值中性的吗?。Is Science Value- neutral?

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让汽车排挡置于空挡位置。Leave a car in neutral gear.

服务应该更为中性化。Service must be net neutral.

牙科医生则是完全中性。"Dentist" is fairly neutral.

Flamingo试图保持中立。Flamingo tries to be neutral.

灰褐色是最完美的中性颜色。The perfect neutral is taupe.

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科研机构必须保持中立。Institutions have to be neutral.

不过,何谓“中性”后果呢?But what of the "neutral" outcomes?

但我们在互联网上的行为并非中性。But what we do there isn’t neutral.

咖啡在下午三点左右是中性的。Coffee at mid-afternoon is neutral.

在天平的中点是所谓的“中性点”。The middle is place of the neutral.

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保持你的身体在一个中立的立场。Keep your body in a neutral position.

他们强把中立国推入战争。They thrust a neutral state into war.

不可乱用非中性清洁剂。Do not mess with the neutral detergent.

中立的表达方式是"心灵"The neutral term is going to be "Mind."

这水是一片淡灰色。The water was of a pale, neutral color.

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大学能实现“碳中和”吗?Can universities become "carbon neutral"?

戴中立派面具的人则没有引发任何过激反应。The neutral mask provoked little reaction.

第三组要解的则是些中性词语。The third group unscrambled neutral words.