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“月剑”现在是“二等的升级”。Moon Glaive is now a tier 2 upgrade.

联合应用程序层中的所有节点。Federate all nodes in the application tier.

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每层执行与其相关的一组功能。Each tier performs a related set of functions.

从应用程序层删除一台主计算机。Remove one host machine from the application tier.

在您的企业环境下的每个主机排成一列。Each host is a tier in your enterprise environment.

点击左键,保持,拖动任务栏到一层之上。Left click, hold, and drag the taskbar up one tier.

我们是否可以将公共数据移动到单独的缓存或层?Can we move common data to a separate cache or tier?

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每一层桶上铺一层木板。Spread a layer to dunnage planks on each tier drums.

昆明和银川在中国属于四线城市!Kunming and Yinchuan are fourth tier cities in China!

终端用户不与这个层进行交互。There will be no end-user interaction with this tier.

对艾克来说,由广告支持的免费服务同样重要。Also important to Ek was that free, ad-supported tier.

不过,本教程的重点是中间件层。However, this tutorial focuses on the middleware tier.

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他的上面,哈雷和摩尔特靠着三层的护栏。Above him, Hadley and Mert lean on the 3rd tier railing.

冰霜之指由三阶天赋升为四阶天赋。Fingers of Frost is now a Tier 4 talent. Up from Tier 3.

强化复仇现在从二阶天赋升为三阶天赋。Improved Revenge is now a Tier 3 talent. Up from Tier 2.

第四章“自画像”价值层面的开掘。Digging that fourth chapter self-portrait value face tier.

强化火焰冲击由一阶天赋升为二阶天赋。Improved Fire Blast now is a Tier 2 Talent. Up from Tier 1.

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很多房屋是建造在山脊上、层层叠叠的拱形窑洞。Many are vaulted cave homes built tier upon tier on ridges.

一些在前二级观察国名单上的国家现在已经变成一级。Some former Tier-Two-Watch List countries are now Tier One.

冷钢沉著现在从二阶天赋降为一阶天赋。Nerves of Cold Steel is now a Tier 1 talent, down from Tier 2.