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不要在欧洲逗留得太久。Don't overextend your stay in Europe.

不要过分扩展一冲而太极拳。Don't overextend a punch while shadow boxing.

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每个贷款使用者都有可能作出不自量力的事。Any users of credit may overextend themselves.

这样你就不会开始过分发展经济,最后功败垂成了。This way you don't overextend your economy and then fizzle out with nothing left.

不要过度的展现自己,把那些华丽丽的东西加载在自己身上。Don't overextend your self in order to add luxury items to your entertainment center.

他们不想看到你开了很多新的财务帐目和债务企图摊子铺贵。They don't want to see you opening a lot of new accounts and trying to overextend your financial debt.

对别人负起不必要的责任时,你就是过度膨胀自己,反会削弱了自己,千万别这样做。When you take inappropriate responsibility for others, you overextend and weaken yourself. Don't do that.

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这段时间,你应该小心不要过分张扬,或者过分放纵自己的热情。At this time you should be careful not to overextend yourself or become overcommitted in your boundless enthusiasm.

作为一对,你们和他人相处时可能会有些过于自我扩张,并会在很多事情上做得有些过火。As a couple, in your dealings with others you may overextend yourselves and go too far in various kinds of projects.

不要急于求成,在做出任何决定之前都要好好考虑所有的方面。Don't overextend yourself in the process. You need to take a good look at all sides of an issue before making a decision.

但是过去几年证明,价格已被推离实际太远,这导致消费者盲目无节制的做超越自身能力的投资决定。But as the past couple of years have demonstrated, that can push prices too far, prompting consumers to overextend themselves.

不要让自己在此过程中超负荷,你可以轻易的用你善良的本质给人留下深刻的印象,不要相信你所听到的。Don't overextend yourself in the process. You can easily impress others with your generous nature. Don't believe everything you hear.

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虽然事情看上去前景不错,但注意不要过度扩张自己,否则不利于长期发展。Although it does look promising, be careful not to overextend yourself or you will lose in the long run. Confusion could result when communicating with others.

城市环境下建筑密度高,跃进幅度就要小些,这是为了保证安全,也为了保证队伍不会拉得太长。Urban bounds, on the other hand, would be short due to the increased density of the area and the desire to maintain security and not overextend any one element.

尽管事情看上去很有前途,但仍需注意不要过分扩张自己,否则可能会不利于长期发展。If you put your energy into physical outlets you will avoid confrontations. Although it does look promising, be careful not to overextend yourself or you will lose in the long run.

贝尔说,一些买家想要马上拥有自己的房子,他们透支自己的信贷,而且总认为只要房子涨价就可以解决这一问题。Some buyers want to make the house their own right away, says Baehr. They overextend themselves on credit to do so, and assume the improvement will pay for itself by increasing the home's value.