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这把刷子可以用作漆刷吗?。Can this brush go for a paintbrush?

他带走了马良的画笔。He took MaLiang's magic paintbrush.

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哪个蠢蛋把未乾的画笔放在我的椅子上?What fool has put that wet paintbrush on my chair?

手里,一把刷子正在向下滴着蓝色的油漆。In his hand was a paintbrush dripping with blue paint.

神笔没有变出金子,它变出了一条蛇。The magic paintbrush didn't make gold. It made a snake.

用画笔和棕色画出树干Paint the tree's trunk using brown paint and a paintbrush.

把画笔握在手心的时候,我不再去想任何相关的事情。I got that paintbrush in my hand, I don't think about any of that.

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这就像用画笔蘸着调色板里的颜料一样。It’s a bit like having a palette of colors to dip your paintbrush in.

它看上去像你的祖母用油漆刷混合了一些颜色。It looks like your Grandma took her paintbrush and mixed up some colors.

用一个很小的笔刷或铅笔,选择一种亮的接近于白的颜色。Take a very small paintbrush or pencil and a light, nearly white colour.

乔纳森善于糊墙纸,但不善于使用漆刷。Jonathan's good at wall-papering but he's not so handy with a paintbrush.

从工具列选择要填上空间的物品,移动滑鼠来填上空间。Use the mouse as a paintbrush and the editor toolbar buttons as a palette.

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有个不帮助别人的坏人,他把马良的神笔拿走了。The bad man didn't have gold. So he painted gold with the magic paintbrush.

您可以在渐层模式中使用「画笔」,甚至「橡皮擦」或「涂污」工具也可以。You can use the Paintbrush in gradient mode or even the Eraser or the Smudge tool.

他将纸直立起来靠在背垫上,将画笔放在嘴里开始作画。He stood the paper up against a backing, put the paintbrush in his mouth and began to paint.

我还放了一个毛笔和一个装有水的带盖子的容器,它们是用来画魔术画的。I also include a paintbrush and a lidded container with plain water in it for magic painting.

使达芬奇的资助者更为惊奇的事。委罗基奥曾说将永远不会再拿起画笔。Awed by one of Leonardo's angels, Verrocchio was said to have never lifted a paintbrush again.

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为防止发生上述问题,必须采用干净的漆刷和漆桶。To prevent to produce afore -mentioned problems, must use clean paintbrush and lacquer bucket.

一块木头上的纹理,一幅画布中残留着画笔上掉下来的猪鬃,一个日本陶瓷杯上没有抚平整的釉。A bristle of a paintbrush left stranded in a painting. The uneven glaze of a Japanese ceramic cup.

为了使其结果,需要对其进行人工授粉,即使用刷子将花粉从一朵花转移给另一朵花。To ensure fruit, hand pollinate by transferring pollen from one flower to another with a paintbrush.