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在工作场所也是如此。Same in the workplace.

请看混合式工作空间。Enter the hybrid workplace.

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当心工作场所的“匕首”!Beware the workplace whinger!

你的新工作场所咋么样?What about your new workplace?

你的单位名称是什么?What's the name of your workplace?

工作场所的化学刺激物chemical irritants in the workplace

工作场所的化学刺激物。chemical irritants in the workplace.

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同时在工厂朝鲜语亦被禁止使用。Korean was also banned in the workplace.

这家公司成了工作的中转站。The company became a revolving-door workplace.

你的工作场所应该符合人类工程学标准。Your workplace should meet ergonomic standards.

你知道如何在工作场所突围而出呢?Do you know how to get noticed in the workplace?

每个人都有在无烟环境中工作的权利。Everyone has the right to a smoke-free workplace.

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职场友谊就像一把双刃剑。Workplace friendships are like a double-edged sword.

工作场所是臭虫迅速增长的温床。The workplace is the fastest-growing market of bedbugs.

工位和生产布局的设计和改善。Workplace and production layout design and improvement.

职业作家马尔奇Alboher看到了同样的趋势。Workplace writer Marci Alboher has seen the same trend.

厌倦感甚至会使你在工作上出现意外事故的风险更高。It also puts you at higher risk for workplace accidents.

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不管你喜欢与否,现在的职场就是多代共事的。Like it or not, the multi-generational workplace is here.

这种现象在工作场所和日常生活中都会发生。This happens both in the workplace and in day-to-day life.

车间空气中对硝基苯胺卫生标准。Health standard for p- nitroaniline in the air of workplace.