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你穿的是上一季的名牌平底鞋?Are those last season's tory burch flats?

随后就在五月份,他又摇身一变成为了保守党传信联络主管。In May he is made Tory director of communications.

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朋友呀,不管你有何言语,上帝她就是一个女孩。God is a girl, whatever you say, tory burch riding boots.

尤其是托利党的宣言,是一长令人瞠目的赌博。And the Tory manifesto in particular is a stunning gamble.

如果你想哭,请哭在我的肩上。But if you wanna cry , tory burch shoes, Cry on my shoulder.

这位候选人显然跟保守党领袖观点一致。The candidate is clearly on-message with the Tory party leader.

一些保守党人抱怨说,如此大胆的举措却未在其他领域见到。Such boldness is missing in other areas, grumble some Tory thinkers.

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现在,我的表好像不准了,时间天天悄悄流逝。Now, tory burch nyc, I think my watch is wrong and my time is missed.

现在流的口水,将成为来日诰日的眼泪。Now drips the saliva, tory burch outlet, will become tomorrow the tear.

这需要我们充分利用档案资料以揭示历史真相。We need to adequately utilize dossiers to open out the his tory lowdown.

尼日利亚选手托里奥拉应该掀不起什么风浪。The Nigerian contestant Tory aurar should not be able to raise any storm.

这很可能招致一份大胆的工党宣言和一个谨慎的托利党宣言。This might have prompted a bold Labour manifesto and a cautious Tory one.

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一位保守党人轻易的击败了其他八位候选人获得了杰瑞米在北德文的席位。A Tory easily bested eight other candidates to take Thorpe's North Devon seat.

今天的老师不属于托利时代的极端分子和小报的神话。Today's teachers are not the ranging extremists of TORY and tabloid mythology.

该国国民连续四次选举托利党来执掌政府,这令专家们困惑不已。The country had confounded the pundits by electing a fourth- term Tory government.

杰西卡·阿尔芭随性可爱的托里·伯奇厚呢短大衣凸显了她休闲的着装特点。Jessica Alba epitomizes casual cool in her laid-back but lovely Tory Burch peacoat.

到1696年,托利党的乡绅们和阿姆斯特丹的市民都对苛捐杂税怨声载道。By 1696, with Tory squires and Amsterdam burghers complaining about excessive taxes.

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在历史上,从来没有这么多百万富翁作为保守党的代表坐在议会前座。There are more millionaires sitting on the Tory front bench then ever before in history.

虽然削减公共福利是撒切尔政府的一个标志,但是这不包括国防预算。Although cuts in public spending will be a Tory hallmark, this will not apply to defense.

不久,它的博赫曼风格的服装出现在纽约市大大小小的商店里。But soon enough, Tory Burch’s Bohemian-styled fashions were in stores across the country.