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他的妻子、儿子和女儿继续在格林斯伯勒生活。His wife, son and daughter continue to live in Greensboro.

他开始玩池在1974年和目前居住在格林斯伯勒,北卡罗莱纳州,美国。He began playing pool in 1974 and currently resides in Greensboro , North Carolina, USA.

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在格林斯博罗星期一,官员将打开国际公民权利中心和博物馆。On Monday in Greensboro , officials will open the International Civil Rights Center and Museum.

格林斯伯勒学院认证委员会对学院和学校协会南部学院。Greensboro College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

北卡罗来纳中部的一座城市,位于格陵斯堡南部的佩得蒙高原。是一个制造业中心。人口5,252。A city of central North Carolina in the Piedmont south of Greensboro. It is a manufacturing center. Population, 5,252.

北卡罗来纳中部的一座城市,位于格陵斯堡南部的佩得蒙高原。是一个制造业中心。人口15,252。A city of central North Carolina in the Piedmont south of Greensboro. It is a manufacturing center. Population, 15,252.

在格林斯波罗的北卡罗莱纳州大学去年秋季就开始引进的加速课程,也仅有5个学生同意接受。The University of North Carolina at Greensboro started an accelerated program last fall and only had five students sign up.

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美国北卡罗来纳州中北部一城市,位于格林斯伯勒东部,是一个工业化地区的纺织中心。人口39,498。A city of north-central North Carolina east of Greensboro. It is a textile center in an industrialized area. Population, 39,498.

伯灵顿美国北卡罗来纳州中北部一城市,位于格林斯伯勒东部,是一个工业化地区的纺织中心。人口39,498。A city of north-central North Carolina east of Greensboro. It is a textile center in an industrialized area. Population, 39, 498.

而北卡罗莱纳州达勒姆和格林斯博罗的经济问题在过去10年已从核心城市圈蔓延到郊区。and both Durham and Greensboro in North Carolina as economic problems spread from core urban areas to the suburbs over the decade.

格林斯博罗还有一个总部大楼工程,包括设计、销售、支持、市场以及行政职能。The Greensboro complex also includes a headquarters building that houses engineering, sales, support, marketing and administrative functions.

美国北卡罗来纳州北部一城市,位于格林波罗北部,与弗吉尼亚州接近。它是农业区中的加工中心与船运中心。人口5,238。A city of northern North Carolina near the Virginia border north of Greensboro. It is a processing and shipping center in an agricultural area. Population, 5,238.

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格林斯伯勒的静坐在北卡罗来纳州和其他南方各州激发了一个类似静坐方式的抗议浪潮,许多餐馆在之后也废除了种族隔离。The sit-in in Greensboro inspired a wave of similar tactics throughout North Carolina and then other southern states. Many restaurants were desegregated in their aftermath.

星期三的过氧化物酶会议开始时,一对鹌鹑橡树从李泰格林斯博罗商人谁是发展中国家附近美国西部的居民代表29日呼吁。Wednesday's MPO meeting opened with an appeal on behalf of the Quail Oaks residents from Terry Lee, the Greensboro businessman who is developing the neighborhood just west of U. S. 29.

格林斯伯勒学院以其为学生个人的关注,强大的学术指导计划,国家承认的大学校际体育和领导才能发展计划。Greensboro College is known for its individual concern for students, strong academic advising program, nationally recognized intercollegiate athletics and leadership development programs.

今年夏天,本田航空将启动喷气式飞机生产工厂的建设,这将使得在格林斯博罗的场地达到500000平方英尺。Honda Aircraft also will break ground this summer on a HondaJet production facility. The addition of the facility will increase HondaJet's total space in Greensboro to 500, 000 square feet.