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我们乘卡车横穿沙漠。We traverse the desert by truck.

你的孙子杜凌宇呢?Does your grandson Du traverse Yu?

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横梁从房间一头跨到另一头。The traverse extended across the room.

有几条铁路线横贯这个地区。Several railroads traverse the district.

那座摇摇欲坠的桥不好过。It is difficult to traverse the shaky bridge.

我们需要全面研究上一个世纪。We need to traverse the last century thoroughly.

也就是说,这是个能够轻易跨越的缺口。That is to say, it's one that we can easily traverse.

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在这个步骤中,您将遍历源文件系统树。In this step, you will traverse the source file system tree.

粗纱导纱器的往复运动不灵活或振动。Obstruction or vibration in the movement of roving traverse.

快移溜板箱采用单手柄集中操纵,方便灵活。Rapid traverse apron is easily operated by a single control level.

针对内容管理页面的执行和遍历权限。Execute and traverse permission to the content administration page.

需要的是一个流水线化的工具,用来遍历任务结构。What is needed is a streamlined tool to traverse the task structure.

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火山、大湖和湍急的河流横亘着全岛。Volcanoes, large lakes, and quickly flowing rivers traverse the land.

目前台风中心正以每小时10公里的速度向北偏西方向移动。At present center by each hour 10 kilometer speeds to N by W traverse.

采撷著,我走经这花园,这世界,但不久,即穿越了大门。Collecting I traverse the garden the world, but soon I pass the gates.

您可以遍历文档树、删除节点或者嫁接新节点。You can traverse the document tree, prune nodes, or graft on new ones.

整个加密的有效负载可以照原样通过基于路由器的ip网络。The entire encrypted payload can traverse a router-based IP network as is.

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他为翠沃斯城做了那么多事情,多的超过了我们的想象能力,”埃斯特斯说。He's done so much for Traverse City, more than we can imagine, " Estes said.

小凉山地区地处横断山脉东侧。Small forest Liang Shan area is located in traverse mountain chain east side.

导线网是建立平面控制网的主要方法之一。The traverse net is one of the main method of seting up horizontal control nets.