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出生于2002年的俊介是一只博美犬。Born in 2002, Shunsuke is a Pomeranian.

年老的Rose有一个博美犬。Rose, in her old age, owns a Pomeranian.

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这只博美犬扮成了观光巴士。This pomeranian went as a sightseeing bus.

每一个城堡是完美只是这样。Every Pomeranian is perfect just the way it is.

在这次大灾难中,博美犬是三条幸存的小狗之一。Pomeranian was one of only three dogs known to have survived the disaster.

这只身穿教皇服装的博美犬在巴伐利亚州的一个村子里休息。The wonderfully-named Pomeranian Spitzel relaxes in the Bavarian village of Hailing.

博美的肩膀足够靠后,使颈部和头能高高昂起。The Pomeranian has sufficient layback of shoulders to carry the neck and head proud and high.

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这南希筑路狗艺术家独特的风格色彩的生活带来了本波美拉尼亚狗的艺术。This unique style of dog artist Nancy Boecker brings living color to this Pomeranian dog art.

由于它被主人“剃了头”,看起来就跟一个玩具娃娃一样,跟平常的博美犬有很大差距。Because it was "shaved head", looks like a doll, has the very big disparity with the usual pomeranian.

比较大戴恩的艰巨,或柔软灰狗到poofy波美拉尼亚娇小的奇瓦瓦州。Compare the petite Chihuahua with the daunting Great Dane, or the lithe greyhound to the poofy Pomeranian.

该城堡是中等去骨和长短腿的比例,他十分均衡的总体框架。The Pomeranian is medium boned and the length of his legs is in proportion to his well-balanced overall frame.

一个惊人的人一块,这将使波美拉尼亚波姆艺术爱好者在你的生活美好的,独特的礼物。A stunning piece in person, this Pom art would make a wonderful, unique gift for the Pomeranian lover in your life.

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博美犬四肢骨骼纤细,故应避免从高处跳下导致骨折等意外伤害的发生。Pomeranian thin limbs, bones, it should avoid jumping from a height lead to fractures and other injuries in the accident.

这些都是标准的,如果您计划显示你的城堡,如果你不那么这些准则并不意味着什么。These are the standards if you plan on showing your Pomeranian and if you don't then these guidelines don't mean anything.

这华丽的白色劳拉索特卡波美拉尼亚的艺术有一个神秘的,精神的感觉差不多,你可以感觉到她的智慧的眼睛。This gorgeous white Pomeranian art by Laura Sotka has a mystic, almost spiritual feeling, and you can sense the wisdom in her eyes.

阿波美拉尼亚狗的品种是从波美拉尼亚地区的起源,并覆盖了波兰西北部和北部的德国东部。A Pomeranian is a dog breed which originates from the Pomerania region, and are covering the north west of Poland and north east of Germany.

一个波美拉尼亚是看到穿着一顶帽子和一副太阳镜,而与它的主人在2009年5月23日,在东京的购物区散步。A Pomeranian is seen dressed up with a hat and a pair of sunglasses while taking a walk with its owner at a shopping district in Tokyo May 23 2009.

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波美拉尼亚艺术让爱自己的简明心境美妙的惊喜礼物为朋友和家人谁,以及珍贵的艺术品收藏家除为波美拉尼亚。Pomeranian art makes fantastic surprise gifts for friends and family members who love their Poms, and a prized addition for the Pomeranian art collector.

博美是一种性格外向,非常聪明而且活泼的狗,使其成为非常优秀的伴侣犬,同时也是很有竞争力的比赛犬。The Pomeranian is an extrovert, exhibiting great intelligence and a vivacious spirit, making him a great companion dog as well as a competitive show dog.