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他不愿降低身份当个懒工人。He would not demean himself to a lazy worker.

我们没有去那里,使他们能够贬低我们。We did not go there so that they can demean us.

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你能犯叛国罪而有辱自己的人格吗?Could you demean yourself by committing treason?

不要做出任何不光彩的事情而有失自己身份。Don't demean yourself by doing anything dishonourable.

我不会因考试作弊而使自己丢脸。I will not demean myself by cheating on the examination.

“我不想贬低你,”我对这个怪里怪气的小伙子说,“但是你能解释你这么重要的人物为了完成使命需要偷那么昂贵的“I don’t wish to demean you,” I said to the strange boy.

但我不贬低,这与生活息息相关的事实。But I don't demean the fact that this is relevant to life.

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你以为他会接受贿赂辱没自己吗?。Do you think he would demean himself by accepting a bribe?

所以我不贬低它,我更瞧不起肥皂剧。So I don't demean that any more than I demean soap operas.

他觉得如果他回复那封充满辱骂的信,会自贬身份。He felt he would demean himself if he replied to the scurrilous letter.

所以,千万不要对一个人进行侮辱、羞辱或者对其大吼,让其尴尬等。Never insult, embarrass, shame, yell at or otherwise demean a person.

无论我们如何低三下四,也摆脱不了无处不在的窘迫难堪。No matter how we may demean ourselves, we find embarrassments everywhere.

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既有地位又有权力的参与者并不会太侮辱其同伴。Participants who had both status and power did not greatly demean their partners.

她更不必自贬身价亲自去购买廉价食品吃,一切都就此了结。She need not demean herself any more, going into the shops and buying the cheapest food. This was at an end.

我与Maya的几分钟能改变我们数十亿美元的美容美发业、那些贬抑女性的真人秀、我们的疯狂追星的文化吗?Will my few minutes with Maya change our multibillion dollar beauty industry, reality shows that demean women, our celebrity-manic culture?

此番言论激怒了反对党官员,他们认为柳田的言论有贬低国会事务之嫌,要求他辞职。His comments sparked outrage from opposition officials who called for Yanagida's resignation, saying his comments demean parliamentary affairs.

在这种情形下,教师的地位比仆人还要低,因此,大学毕业生们不愿身处如此境遇。Under these conditions teaching ranked lower than the menial services, and college graduates hesitated to demean themselves in such an employment.

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英语是从男性占主导地位的社会发展演变而来的,它的许多词汇和语法都不可避免地带有排斥或贬低妇女的倾向。The English language has evolved in a patriarchal or male-dominated society. As a result, much of its vocabulary and grammar tends to exclude and demean women.

基于这些考虑不安的主管可能过度使用他的权威,贬低优秀人才的贡献,甚至将他们的成果据为己有。Based on these concerns, the insecure manager might overexert authority, demean the high performer's contributions, or even take credit for much of the high performer's work.

因此,现在你在年龄上是一名“年长者”,在理解上是一名前辈,他们不会武断地顺从于你,你没有贬低他们的身份,你自身也不需要如此。Thus, now that you are a "senior" in life span and an elder in understanding, they do not defer to you in an arbitrary manner and you do not demean them or yourself by requiring such.