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迷失,在河那岸。Lost, on the other riverside.

我骑自行车到了河边。I went to the riverside by bike.

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更少的人去江边。Fewer people can go to riverside.

河畔青芜堤上柳。Green grass and riverside willows.

这里就是沿江景观带。This is the Riverside Scenic Belt.

那河畔的金柳是夕阳中的新娘The golden willows by the riverside

你去过河滨公园吗?Have you ever been to Riverside Park?

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她们住在河滨街24号。They live at No. 24 Riverside Street.

这家公司的地界扩展到河边。This company expands to the riverside.

这个工厂的地界扩展到河边。This factory expands to the riverside.

你能跟我们讲讲河滨公园吗?Could you tell us about Riverside Park?

那我就在美丽的滨江大道上。Here on this beautiful Riverside Avenue.

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主要街道名为滨河大道。The main street is called Riverside Avenue.

哦,河滨公园是我最喜欢的三个公园之一。Oh, my three favorite parks are Riverside Park.

我们学校江边有一个“希望之星”的雕塑。On the riverside lies a statue, the star of hope.

河边有好几对男女在谈情说爱。There were several couples spooning at the riverside.

最后一次有人看见她时,她正在河边公园晒太阳。She was last seen sunning herself in a riverside park.

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有三个小潮女在江边玩雪…There are three tide girls in the riverside play snow.

今天早晨我去河边拍摄照片了。This morning, I come to the riverside to taken my Foto.

你对武汉晴川假日酒店的印象怎样?What is your impression of Holiday Inn Riverside Wuhan.