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坐起来,白日做梦。Sit up and daydream.

我梦魂萦绕的母亲河。Daydream about my mother river.

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白日梦宁多勿少。Daydream more rather than less.

每当我从梦中醒来,每天都是一个白日梦的开始I wake up, every day is a daydream

什么方法肯定可以使你的钱翻两倍?To daydream that your money doubles.

不要做白日梦或者花时间幻想。Don't daydream or spend time fantasizing.

集中注意力做练习,不要走神儿。Focus on the exercise, and do not daydream.

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一个人可以乱想,但是不可以不想。You can daydream but you can't think nothing.

奶奶的呼唤声,让我从遐想中走了出来。Grandma's voice, let me walk out from daydream.

但原谅我要分享一下自己的白日梦。But forgive me for sharing my own private daydream.

办公室之外你有足够的时间做白日梦。There’s plenty of time to daydream outside the office.

一支烟,一场上下电梯,一枕黄粱的梦。Cigarette, a up and down the elevator, a daydream dream.

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然后下课铃响了把他从白日梦中唤醒回来。Just then the bell rings and wakes him from his daydream.

这就是为什么我发现我自己盯着他,在白日梦的中间。That's why I find myself eying him in the middle of a daydream.

晚上做梦梦见恐怖的东西啷个办也?Daydream in the evening dream of bloodcurdling thing Lang do also?

又到大多数美国人遐想旅游的时节了。Now is the time of year when most Americans start to daydream about travel.

因此沉浸在感恩节的小遐想中。So indulge in a little Thanksgiving daydream. Long for the oyster stuffing.

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所以对那些由一些人主宰,而另一些人做着白日梦的会议有什么可供选择的方法呢?So what are the alternatives to the meeting where a few dominate and others daydream?

站起身来,我把我小小的白日梦留在了花园里,和玛哈如阿佳一起向车子走去。Getting up, I left my little daydream in the garden and walked with Maharaja to the car.

我想有一个很大的房子和很大的游泳池,树林。I want to daydream about have a big house with a big swimming pool and hurst motte wood.