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赵勇是一个小贩。Zhao Yong was a peddler.

小贩叫卖他的商品。The peddler bawled his wares.

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夏天里哟,那个卖冰棒的叫卖声。In summer, the ice-lolly peddler hawking.

小贩叫卖苹果和梨。The peddler bawled about apples and pears.

为他们卖的货物大声叫卖的人。The peddler bawled his wares in the street.

沿街叫卖的小贩经常欺骗儿童。The peddler often takes advantage of children.

那个菜贩经常短斤少两。That vegetable peddler often gives short measure.

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他看起来就像是小贩正在开包。And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.

他做过走私贩、偷运军火、贩卖毒品。He's been a smuggler, a gun runner, a dope peddler.

这小贩鱼目混珠,以玻璃充当钻石骗人。The peddler fobbed off pieces of glass as diamonds.

“栗子,热乎乎的烤栗子,”一个小贩在叫卖。"Chestnuts, hot roast chestnuts, " a peddler cried.

他的父亲是个蔬菜商贩。Liu's classmates, whose father is a vegetable peddler.

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约翰•亚当斯曾称之为“苏格兰小贩的私生子”。John Adams called him the"bastard brat of a Scotch peddler."

声称卖真钻石的小贩是怎样露馅的?What betrayed the peddler who claimed to sell real diamonds?

小贩以玻璃充当钻石卖给别人。The peddler fobbed off pieces of glass as diamonds on some people.

他不像其他普通的小贩那样把他的帽子放在包里卖。But he was not like an ordinary peddler carrying his wares on his bag.

这是一幅很旧很精彩的画,1830年,名为,"北方小贩"That's a wonderful old painting from 1830 called "The Yankee Peddler."

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这是我第一次看见新鲜的莲子,小商贩正围车叫卖。This is my first time to see fresh lotus seed. The peddler is hawking.

游击队员扮小贩通过敌人的岗亭。The partisan disguised himself as a peddler and got by the enemy sentry box.

那人谢了商贩朝山坡走去,渐渐地消失了。The man thanked the peddler and walked away towards the hill and eventually disappeared out of sight.