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耀眼的光芒透射着苍白的幕墙。Luminosity glows through pale velum walls.

光照度和光功率是基本的光度指标。Illuminance and light power are basic luminosity indexes.

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具体来说,光度与半径的平方呈正比。Specifically, luminosity is proportional to radius squared.

光度是恒星的能量——代表它释放能量的速度。Luminosity is the power of a star —the rate at which it emits energy.

黑夜是灵魂的冷月般的光芒的闪耀。The dark night is the soul shining through with its lunar luminosity.

天文学家用星等和光度来描述恒星的亮度。Astronomers describe star brightness in terms of magnitude and luminosity.

恒星在MK系统下,也经常根据光度分类。Stars are also classified by their luminosity under the Morgan-Keenan system.

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她的个人风格非常突出——头发、谈吐、穿着,光芒四射。She's got great personal style —her hair, her voice, her clothes, her luminosity.

她的个人风格非常突出——头发、谈吐、穿着,光芒四射。She's got great personal style — her hair, her voice, her clothes, her luminosity.

正如你所看到的,我已经选择了一个领域,几乎没有任何变化,颜色和亮度。As you can see, I've picked up an area with almost no changes in colors and luminosity.

采用EDTA分光光度法测定金-铜-镉镀液中的铜。Using EDTA dispart ray luminosity method test cupreous in gold- cupreous -cadmium liquid.

在酒类生产区域日光照射充足因为我们的葡萄酒元位于北方。Highest luminosity in the wine-production area due to the north location of our vineyards.

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具体来说,恒星的光度与温度的四次方呈正比。Specifically, the luminosity of a star is proportional to temperature to the fourth power.

心的真实本性其实是明空不二的,「明」与「空」两者并没有不同。In actuality, the true nature of the mind is the inseparability of luminosity and emptiness.

在经典三部曲里看到的大部分光剑亮光是转描机技术的结果。Most of the lightsaber luminosity seen in the classic trilogy was the result of rotoscoping.

持续使用,皮肤会出现转变,因为它夺回青春的坚定性和亮度。With continued use, skin appears transformed as it recaptures youthful firmness and luminosity.

待会我们要用棕色进行绘制,因此要根据景别选择合适亮度的颜色。One will work with brownish colors and thus will play with the luminosity of the selected color.

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ILC亮度高、背景干净,是探测新物理信号的理想场所。The ILC will be an ideal machine to probe new physics with high luminosity and clean background.

在初亏前到复圆后这段期间,比较容易以肉眼观察亮度的变化。It's easier to view the changes in luminosity with the naked eye from the first to fourth contact.

建筑师们强调了他们的目的是产生一种透明、半透明和发光的三合一产品。The architects' underlying aim is to produce a trinity of transparency, translucence and luminosity.