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注意边缘的窥器是尖锐的。Note the edge of the speculum is sharp.

然后,慢慢的把检查镜插入耳道。Then, insert the speculum gently into the ear canal.

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它实际上是直肠镜与吻合器的一种结合物。In fact, it is a combination of anastomat and rectal speculum.

该叶片顶端窥器是大约2英寸长。The blades of the top speculum are approximately 2 inches long.

所有的澳洲森林鸭都是灰色翅膀,主翼羽为黑色,还有白色的斑点。Both sexes have grey wings with black primaries and a white speculum.

要这样做之前,选择一个最大的符合病人耳道的检查镜。To do this, select the largest speculum the patient's ear canal will accommodate.

根据ACOG表示,尿液筛检就已经足够了,不需要进行扩张器检查。Urine-based screening without a speculum examination is sufficient for such screening, according to ACOG.

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日复一日,除了宫颈涂片就没有啥事,然后有一天你放进窥阴器,一个咬牙切齿的家伙正回目瞠着你!Day in and day out, nothing but pap smears, and then one day you put in the speculum and there are some choppers staring back at you!

大惯量反射镜在空间研究中广泛应用,采用步进电机可实现对反射镜的驱动。In order to adapt to the extensive application of super inertia speculum in space detection, the stepping motor is used to drive the speculum.

假如有这种情况的话,可以利用石膏纸板填补,在外边贴上金属镜面,这样还能造成室内空间增大的视觉效果。If have this kind of case, can use gesso chipboard pad, speculum face is affixed outside, return the visual effect that can cause interior space to increase so.

方法对各类前房角异物34例应用前房角镜、影像学及B超检查,明确诊断后,采用显微镜下手术取出。Methods Examine the 34 patients with ultrasonic B and the mirror for anterior chamber angle, then extractive the foreign body in the anterior chamber angle under the eye speculum.

本发明可以在磁场下使用鼻窥镜,不发生移位,不影响术中磁共振成像,结构简单、实用。The invention can use the nasal speculum in a magnetic field without generating shifting or influencing magnetic resonance imaging in the operation, and has simple and practical structure.