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你能将这个连衣裙改成短裙子吗?Can you refashion this dress into a skirt?

现在他们正在寻找重塑记忆的方法,即便那些记忆已经存留多年。Now, they are looking for a way to refashion memories even years after they were created.

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你为大自然换上新装,但却无法改变她脉搏哪怕是一个节拍的跳动。You refashion Nature's garments, but you cannot vary by a jot the throbbings of her pulse.

基于投入的成本法是在重置成本的基础上减去贬值来计算价值的一种方法。The method of cost is a way that the value is up to the refashion the asset and depreciation.

1964年,马尔科姆决定改革他的精神世界,改变政治观点,重塑自己的公众形象。In 1964, Malcolm decided to reform his soul, alter his politics, and refashion his public image.

通常,地球会自重塑而不顾那些已在其表面发展的存有。Typically a planet would refashion itself with no regard for the existence that had developed on its surface.

本文对重置成本、贬值的计算以及成本法的应用作了具体的阐述。The paper expatiate how to calculate the cost of refashion and the value of depreciation and how to apply the method of cost.

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大卫·卡梅伦称,欧洲混乱的现状对于英国重新建立领导关系是一个好机会。The current turmoil in Europe is an opportunity for the UK to "refashion" its relationship with Brussels, David Cameron has said.

当人民重获自由时,这个残暴的政府就没有存在的必要了,那时我们就可以组建一个更加公平的社会。And if the citizens again feel free, the repressive government will have no reason to exist, and we can refashion a more just society.

是大革命破除了所有这些羁绊,以后想重捡这些锁链的人都得用另外的名字来掩饰。It was the French Revolution which abolished all those impediments, which broke the chains which you would refashion under a different name.

局内人士说,a&f关门大吉是调整海港形象准备采取的若干步骤之一,以招徕更多顾客。Insiders said the A & F closing is just one of several moves in the works to refashion the seaport's image and pull in more customer traffic.

游戏制作设计人才匮乏已成为严重制约游戏产业持续发展的瓶颈。Game makes design talent deficient already became severe refashion to make an appointment with the bottleneck that game industry grows continuously.