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我将履行我的誓言。I'll fulfill my pledge.

无论习惯的好坏,你的每一个习惯都是迎合需求的。Your habits fulfill needs.

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我们的高潮,现在他们履行。Our climaxes now they fulfill.

NVH必须满足法定的要求。NVH must fulfill legal requirements.

赫伯特能不能完成使命?Was Herbert able to fulfill the task?

来补齐7门必修课。to fulfill all the seven requirements.

但今天我却没有满足那一欲望。But today, I didn’t fulfill that desire.

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谢谢!这次我要履行我的诺言了!Thanks! This Ihad to fulfill my promise!

请月亮实现她嫁给一个吉普赛男人的愿望。To fulfill her wish to marry a gipsy man.

他将我们留下是帮助实现他的使命。He leaves us here to fulfill his purposes.

这就是为什么我们能实现我们的命运。And that is why we can fulfill our destiny.

无论如何要完成计划。We must fulfill the plan, whatever happens.

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按月填制银行余额调节表。Fulfill bank reconciliation form each month.

但我们没有人能单独履行这项承诺。But none of us can fulfill that promise alone.

不负烈士,不辱使命!Do not disappoint martyrs, fulfill our mission!

人家会觉得你没有能力实践承诺。They'll think you couldn't fulfill your promise.

何以能寻梦、追梦、圆梦?How can you seek, pursue and fulfill your dreams?

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它的职责是满足你的尘世间的创造。Its function is to fulfill your earthly creations.

虚拟品牌社区能解决我所需求的。On-line brand community helps me fulfill my needs.

神装备我们使我们能够完成他赋予我们的使命。God equips us to fulfill the mission He has for us.