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婚姻如同一把锁。Wedlock is a padlock.

求婚时想入非非,结婚后如梦方醒。They dream in courtship, but in wedlock wake.

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黑人的未婚生育率已经不再增加。Out-of- wedlock birth rates have plateaued for blacks.

邢绣娘最终和王耀文结合。Xing Xiuniang is united in wedlock finally with Wang Yaowen.

上周我们公司两对情人结为伉俪。Two pairs of lovers coupled in wedlock in our company last week.

你甚至连个丑女人私生的小混蛋都没有。You don't even have a bastard child with an ugly woman out of wedlock.

对非婚生子女的接受程度显然大大提高了。There certainly is greater acceptance of children being born out of wedlock.

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现在,离婚和未婚生子越来越被普遍接受。It is now more widely-accepted than divorce or having a child out of wedlock.

婚姻的锁链是这么沉重,致使要由两个人来扛,有时还要三个。The chain of wedlock is so heavy that is takes two to carry it, sometimes three.

婚姻的锁链是这么沉重,致使要由两个人来扛,有时还要三个。The chain of wedlock is so heavy that it takes two to carry it, sometimes three.

大家都在谣传说这个歌手和那个足球运动员有一个私生女。They all say that the singer had a daughter out of wedlock with a football player.

通常非婚生或是母亲难产而死的孩子都沦为了孤儿。Children mostly became orphans from being born out of wedlock or women dying in childbirth.

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各个教派的神职人员都有越过红线、和妇女非婚生子的例子,但天主教派的问题尤为严重。Clergy members of many faiths have crossed the line with women and had children out of wedlock.

你那虔信基督再生的母亲,会想要一个非婚生的试管婴儿当她的孙子?Your deeply religious born-again Christian mother wants a test-tube grandbaby born out of wedlock?

出生率和非婚生孩子之间存在很强的相关性。There is a strong correlation between the rate of birth and the number of babies born out of wedlock.

不用说,她如果未婚怀孕,她姨妈就会立刻否认和她的关系的。It went without saying that her aunt would immediately disown her if she fell pregnant out of wedlock.

石、黄两家的宿命恩怨会随着三对子女的结合而有办法破解吗?Stone, Huang Lianggu fate grievances can be united in wedlock with three children and have to resolve?

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这时张生赶到,真相大白,又经白马将军说合,张生与莺莺有情人终成眷属。With the persuasion of General on White Horse Student Zhang and Yingying were finally united in wedlock.

从前,婚姻以外生的子女叫做「私生」子女,常被人看不起。In the old days children born out of wedlock used to be called "illegitimate" and people looked down on them.

这个小女孩是个私生女,1926年6月1日出生于洛杉矶的一家医院,取名诺玛·琴·莫藤森。The girl was born out of wedlock on June l, 1926. in a Los Angeles hospital She was named Norma Jean Mortenson.