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这些年它已成了一种挺体面的类型小说。As a genre it has become quire respectable in recent years.

第二部分,探究性学习研究的文献综述。The second part, literature summary. On in quire learning research.

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现如今幼狼们都长大了,喜欢赖床。These days the little Coyotes are now quire big, and love to sleep late.

因此,选择正确的约会地点上网服务可以卡里混乱。Due to this , choosing the right site dating services online can quire confusing.

所以我会首先前往我的办公室然后我会给你一个肯定的答案。I cant decide now I ll have first ahead my office and in quire before I can give you definite answer.

溶酶体很丰富,功能旺盛,常靠近胆小管和高尔基复合体分布。Lysosomes are quire abundant and active. They are usually located near bile canaliculi and Golgi complexes.

终身学习的本质是研究、探讨乃至实践终身学习思想的关键所在。The essence of lifelong learning is the key to study and in quire into and practice the idea of lifelong learning.

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有关建议修改付款条件事宜,本公司乐意接受,并已电传确认。The modified terms of payment you propose are quire acceptable and a telex has been dispatched to you to this effect.

视网膜图像病变信息的计算机自动提取算法是计算机智能辅助诊断的关键和难点。The key process and difficulty to realize compute intelligent auxiliary diagnosis of retinal image is how to automatically ac- quire the pathological information.

固定资产的成本包括买价、相关税金、购买佣金和其他为取得资产和使其达到交付使用状况的一切支出。The cost of a plant asset is the purchase price, applicable tax es, purchase commissions, and all other amounts paid to ac quire the asset and to ready it for its intended use.

众人在集会通过南唱诗班的走廊,他们还发现窗户依然在香缭绕,像神云笼罩了耶稣在山上。As the congregation pressed through afterwards into the south quire aisle they found the windows still wreathed in incense, like the cloud of God that had enveloped Jesus on the mountain.