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高度表设定好了没有?Did you set the altimeter?

高度表–高度测量仪器。ALTIMETER – instrument that measures altitude.

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我和他反复确认了我的高度计已经设置在了归零的状态。I double-check with him that my altimeter is set to zero.

高度计是用来测量海拔高度的。An altimeter is used for measuring height above sea-level.

在14个小时旅途中的大部分时间里高度计都停留在那个位置。And that is where the altimeter stayed for most of the 14-hour journey.

海拔高度的高度计显示步骤1米左右使用内置GPS。The altimeter displays altitude in 1 metre steps using the built-in GPS.

所有组件所需的建设高度表已采购。All components required for building of the altimeter have been procured.

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分析了三种不同的雷达高度计组合方案。The three different schemes of radar altimeter combination were analyzed.

激光高度仪将提供到云顶的绝对距离。The laser altimeter will provide an absolute distance to the tops of the clouds.

高度表运作良好,有效地发射了两个阶段的回收费用。The altimeter functioned well, effectively firing the two-stage recovery charges.

本论文是对三维成像雷达高度计系统的进一步深化研究。The thesis is the further development on the research of 3D-imaging radar altimeter.

我看了看手腕上的高度计,已上升到了13,500英尺,这意味着往下跳的时候到了。I watched the altimeter on my wrist rise to 13,500 feet, which meant it was time to go.

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导弹以雷达高度计控制在40-60米的高度以高亚音速飞向目标。It flew to the target at an altitude of 40-60 m using a radar altimeter at a high subsonic speed.

给出了一种基于C51的数字式气压高度表的设计方案。A design of a digital atmospheric pressure altimeter based on C51 programming language is presented.

其中的一颗卫星,美国宇航局的icesat就携带着一个激光高度探测仪来探测冰面的高度。One such satellite, NASA's ICESat, carries a laser altimeter to measure the height of the ice surface.

最后介绍了我国探月工程中激光测高仪的研制情况。And then, the designing and building progress of the laser altimeter in Chang"er I Project is presented."

并通过对数字式气压高度表的测试性分析实例,说明了ESTIM的应用方法。And illustrated the application method of ESTIM by analyzing the example of the digital pressure altimeter.

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宇宙线兴盖氏管已过连接成为一种新的高度计用来告诉飞行员他们的高度是多少。Cosmic rays and Geigertubes have been combined in a new altimeter to tell the pilots what their altitudes are.

我将我的高度计进行了调节直到平显上的读数显示为零,这样在整个表演期间我所看到的读数都是对地的相对高度。I dial my altimeter until it reads zero feet in the HUD so I have above-ground-level readings during the routine.

在介绍超声远距测高系统功能的基础上,提出了系统的总体构成。Introducing the distance ultrasonic altimeter system was proposed based on the overall composition of the system.