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他的代表律师是迪格比·庄逊。His solicitor is Digby Johnson.

我的律师将代我处理我的全部事务。My solicitor will act for me in my affairs.

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初级律师寄出一份契据的摘录本。The solicitor sent an extract of the deeds.

他将支票背书给的律师。He indorsed the cheque over to his solicitor.

我意识到我当不成一个好律师。I realised I would never make a good solicitor.

有个谢顶的推销员把她弄怀了孕后离开。A balding solicitor who got her pregnant then left.

初级律师试图使原告撤诉。The solicitor attempted to have the charge dropped.

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律师请求将这个案件的诉讼延期。The solicitor moved for an adjournment of the case.

他是一名从业至少七年以上的沙律师。He is a solicitor of at least seven years' standing.

我想你当律师总阅过不少人情世故吧!I suppose you saw a lot of human nature as a solicitor.

俸师给她几份档案过目,然后请她签字。Her solicitor asked her to read and sign a number of documents.

做商业的在英国叫solicitor。and then you're called a solicitor in England if you want to do the corporate work.

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各方当事人可以亲自出庭,也可以由一名巴律师或沙律师代理出庭。The parties may appear in person or may be represented by a barrister or a solicitor.

已领得保险代理人或保险经纪人执业证书者。The solicitor has already obtained an insurance agent or insurance broker practice license.

他正在威胁说要提出法律诉讼,但等他接到我律师的那封时,他马上就退却了。He was threatening legal action but he soon backed down when he got that letter from my solicitor.

谢赫的前律师说,在2003年,谢赫还是个“迷人的、有魅力的男人”。Shaikh's former solicitor said that as recently as 2003 Shaikh was a "charming and charismatic man".

律师因串谋强行干预诉讼而被判刑,但最终上诉获准以保释。The solicitor jailed for "consipracy to commit maintenance" is granted bail pending her final appeal.

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律政司司长表示,该政策是由苏格兰的检察长弗兰克马尔霍兰申请实施的。The justice secretary said the policy was being pursued by Scotland's Solicitor General Frank Mulholland.

你的电话是对所有人开放的,包括前女友,政治说客,或者找麻烦的律师。Anyone can dial your 10 digits, including your ex-girlfriend, a political campaign worker, or a solicitor.

你是一个诚实的人还是一个小偷,取决于辩护律师已交与我的答辩状。That whether you're an honest man or whether you're a thief depends on whose solicitor has given me my brief.