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安全灯反光棒设计。Safety light refection bar design.

教科书的改革是课程改革的具体表现之一。The textbook reform is one of specific refection of course reform.

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那没有知觉的贵重金属似乎也反射着她那欢快而炽热的心。The dull precious metal seemed to FLASH with a refection of her bright and ardent spirit.

产业资本存量结构是区域产业结构系统的直接体现。The structure of industry capital stocks is the refection of regional industry structure.

语言是社会发展的产物,也是社会生活的反映。Language is not only the product of social development, but also is the refection of social life.

他以艺术的方式提出了对上述诸多问题的思考。The artist initiates though his photographic art the refection upon the problems mentioned previously.

北京小吃是深蕴于特定历史文化背景下的一项重要文化成果。Beijing refection is an important cultural fruit deeply rooted in the special historic cultural background.

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一层的“茶苑”提供24小时服务,经营全国各地百余种香茗茶点。Tea Garden on the first floor serves for 24 hours over a hundred types of Chinese famous tea and refection.

有时我们承认之所以拒食某些肉类并非基于生理学而是美学原因。Sometimes we admit that our strong refection of certain meats is not founded in physiology but in aesthetics.

盯着他那不耐烦的脸,他知道是他皮肤颜色的错才导致了他们的拒绝。Staring at his impatient face, he understood that it was the fault of his skin colour that accounted for their refection.

一顿营养均衡的下午茶不仅能赶走下午的瞌睡虫,还有助于恢复体力。The afternoon tea with a balanced nutrition can drive away the drowse bug afternoon not only, still conduce to refection.

系统的故障诊断问题是一种多知识源问题,反映系统状态的信息有时十分广泛。The problem of system fault diagnosis is the matter of multi-knowledge sources, which results in the wide refection of the states of system.

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本研究将“边缘层模型”应用于两层流体系统中弱非线性内波在台阶地形上的反射和透射问题的研究。The edge-layer theory is applied to study the refection and transmission of the weakly nonlinear internal wave over a step in a two-layer fluid system.

但是在具体的外交实践中,文化价值观在国家对外行为和外交关系中的体现并非一直是连续的。The relations between national interests and cultural values decide whether cultural values keep their continuity of refection on diplomatic relations.

本文运用比较和实证的方法,着力研究了我国行政复议制度立法上的进步与不足,并提出了针对性的意见和建议。This testis lays emphasis on the study the advances and flaws in the legislation of administrative review system and puts forward purposeful refection measures.

隧道反射地震法是利用放置在隧道边墙或者掌子面内的震源和接收器,来预测隧道前方的岩石特性。Tunnel refection seismology employs sources and receivers that are mounted inside the tunnel wall or tunnel face and aims to predict rock properties ahead of the tunnel.

多元化是文化的时代性与民族性的双重表现,是文化互动形成的世界文化格局的表现。The Variation is not only the double refection of culture's epoch and nationality, but also the expression of world cultural structure formed as the result of cultural interaction.

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另一方面,民族精神又集中反映了一个民族的思想核心,是民族意识中最优秀的与最有价值的“精气神”。It, on the other, being the best and most valuable part and excluding the passive elements in a nation's consciousness, embodies a concentrated refection of a nation's core ideology.

通过研究几种发射脉冲的一次反射和二次反射的接收波形以及它们的误码率特性,研究了信道多径失真对室内无线光通信的影响。The paper researches the received waveform and the characteristic of BER in one refection and twice refection, studies the influence of multipath distortion on the transmitted pulse.

这种影响所产生的作用已经越来越多地受到人们的关注,比如各地中学择校之风盛行,就是对学习的外部因素——学习环境倍加重视的反映。For example, it is common to choose middle schools in many places in China, and this is the outer effect on learning—the refection of paying more attention to the learning conditions.