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禁止闲时不想我!Prohibit I do not think when idle!

禁止…反言或禁止…翻供。To impede or prohibit by estoppel.

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你们禁止的是哪种植物?What kind of plants do you prohibit?

禁止…反言或禁止…翻供。Law To impede or prohibit by estoppel.

十一娘不准备将就项家。Niangs prohibit to fully compromise a house.

禁止乱倒剩余漆料溶剂。Prohibit littering the spare paint impregnant.

阻止这些小广告的散布是道德的吗?Is it ethical to prohibit the delivery of spam?

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现代国家原则上都禁止非法取证。Mod ern countries all prohibit it in principle.

羞耻或许能阻止法律所不能禁止之事。Shame may restrain what the law does not prohibit.

我们应该禁止出售淫秽文学。We should prohibit the sale of pornographic literature.

砌筑时不准随意拆改和移动脚手架。Prohibit removal and dismantling of scaffolds when building.

游戏的主要的目标从爬上来是禁止狼。The main aim of the game is prohibit wolves from climbing up.

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颁奖规则在1974年进行修订,此后即禁止追授奖项。The rules were amended in 1974 to prohibit posthumous prizes.

必须是原创作品,禁止任何抄袭或剽窃。Must be original works, to prohibit any copying or plagiarism.

禁止以炉衬作为加热工件的导轨。Prohibit taking furnace lining as the guide for heating workpiece.

新闻局将禁止煽动性刊物。The Information Bureau will prohibit some subversive publications.

联邦安全规定并没有规定在驾驶舱里面使用笔记本电脑。Federal safety rules don't prohibit laptops in tibia items cockpits.

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禁止发表任何违反新概念总版规的文章。Prohibit publishing the articles which violate the main forum rules.

我们已经有未成年儿童的阅读和美国法规禁止它。We have underaged children reading there and US regulations prohibit it.

禁止使用明火加温或在密闭状态下熔解漆料。Prohibit using a direct fire or liquating paint under airtight condition.