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她坐在铺着石板的庭院里的一把椅子上。She sat on a chair in the flagged yard.

如果他们得到标记您必须重新张贴。If they get flagged you must re-post them.

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司机停下来让一个搭车人上了车。A hitchhiker flagged me down on the highway.

巴西的狂欢心情最近有所减弱。Brazil's carnival spirit has flagged of late.

街道上悬挂旗帜、庆祝这次胜利。Streets were flagged to celebrate the victory.

交通警察挥旗命令那辆经过的汽车停下来。The traffic police flagged the passing car down.

当我的汽车抛锚的具体时间,我打了个信号招来一辆警车。When my bike broke dhave, I flagged a police bike.

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在其中可以对值或者整个线程进行标识和排序。Values or entire threads can be flagged and sorted.

高速公路上的巡逻警察示意我们避开事故地区。The highway patrol flagged us away from the accident.

如果没有,那么这个证书就应该标记为值得怀疑的。If it does not, the certificate should be flagged as suspect.

福格蒂失血严重,他被放在船上送往医院。Bleeding heavily, he flagged down a boat and was taken to hospital.

如果他们得到标记您必须重新张贴。每个广告将被选中。If they get flagged you must re-post them. Every ad will be checked.

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只是心倦了,不想再理会所有的是是非非。Just heart flagged tired, I don't want to ignore all. Take inventory.

我已经给评论作了标记,或许有些喝醉酒的记者会来看看!I flagged the comment, maybe someinebriated journo will get to read it!

一位警察向我挥手,要我从长蛇阵般的车流中出来,并招呼我停下。A policeman waved me out of the snake of traffic and flagged me to stop.

不过,鲍威尔的信心从来没有标帜,这周是充满。Still, Powell's confidence never flagged , and this week it was brimming.

到达指定地点后,一名男子挥手让孙中界停车并跳上了车。Arriving at the location, Mr. Sun was flagged down by a man who hopped in.

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一个暴露的带有铺石板的混凝土躯干是住宅的中心。An exposed concrete body with flagged surface forms the center of the house.

因为找不到最佳可行函数,所以将该调用标记为有二义性的。The call is flagged as ambiguous because no best viable function can be found.

我实在记不得F1中上次出示橙色黑棋是什么时候的事情了。I can't remember the last time anybody was black-and-orange flagged in Formula 1.