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我们在后面会谈到可寻址内存。We will talk about addressable memory later.

从外部页面只能定址页面的第一个表单。Only the first form of a page is addressable from an external page.

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如果您需要个别定址控制项集,则需要建立新表单。Create a new form if you need a separately addressable set of controls.

缓存与应用程序占用相同的可寻址内存空间。The cache occupies the same addressable memory space as the applications.

组件公开了可以通过可寻址接口调用的接口。Components expose services that can be invoked through addressable interfaces.

寻址涂料创造一个补充维电子照相印刷。Addressable coatings create an added dimension for electrophotographic printing.

可寻址管理系统由一台PC主机和多台解扰器从机组成。The addressable management system is composed of a PC and multiple KY-Decryption equipments.

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因此,我们有了36位地址,和8字节保持了一致,总共64GB的物理内存都是可寻址的。Hence we have a 36-bit address, aligned to 8 bytes, for a total of 64GB addressable physical memory.

列-行可寻址电微开关矩阵可以在大面积上制造,具有高像素密度。Column-row addressable electric microswitch matrices can be made in large areas, with high pixel density.

因为会建立该页面上所有表单的执行个体,所以可从页面定址任何表单上的任何控制项。Because instances of all forms on a page are created, any control on any form is addressable from the page.

简要介绍了MCS-51系列单片机中的位寻址区和位操作指令。The bit operation instruments and bit addressable locations in MCS-51 series microcontroller are introduced.

对4路寻址LCD屏的动态驱动实验教学设计与实践进行了探讨。Four-way addressable LCD screen dynamic drive experiment teaching and practice of design in UESTC are discussed.

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这个帧缓冲不能被CPU寻址,每个图形操作都由协处理器来做。The frame buffer was not addressable by the CPU, rather every graphics operation was performed by the coprocessor.

服务和面向服务的体系结构都是关于使用异构网络可寻址的软件组件来设计和构建系统的。Services and SOA are all about designing and building systems using heterogeneous network addressable software components.

针对此,提出了利用内容可寻址技术结合冗余行和冗余列来修复存储器的方法。Therefore, a repair method using content addressable memory combined with spare rows and columns are proposed in this work.

在按内容寻址的存储器中应用的一种方法和电路,用于发现与搜索的数据具有最长匹配的字。A method and circuit to be applied in content addressable memories for finding a word the longest match to the searched data.

但客户端地址是未知的,这时又没有已经建立的连接可用,怎么办呢?But the client isn't addressable. There is no open connection to resend the message on, and no way of the server opening one.

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如果主缓冲池配置得太大,则可能出现主缓冲池不适合可寻址内存空间的情况。When the main buffer pools are configured too large, it is possible that they will not fit into the addressable memory space.

进程的虚拟地址空间中的区域可被映射到物理内存、文件或任何其他可寻址存储。Regions in a process's virtual address space can be mapped to physical memory, to a file, or to any other addressable storage.

激光光斑调制装置包括—高分辨率的微镜阵列,后者由许多独立编址并且可移动的微镜构成。The laser beam modulating apparatus includes a high-resolution micromirror array having individually addressable and movable mirrors.