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这将提供聚合和语义双重好处。This provides the double-edged benefit of syndication with semantics.

为了避免这些类型的问题和丢失数据的可能性,可使用联合。To avoid these types of problems and the possible loss of data, use syndication.

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即简易供稿,一个用来追踪我们感兴趣的一切事情的聚合工具。An essential tool for keeping track of everything we aggregate is RSS, or Really Simple Syndication.

本文的原始的贡献是提出企业联合组织化出现内在的模型的第一。The original contributions of the paper are first to propose a model where syndication arises endogenously.

我们也在通过在编程模型层上使用syndication协议的方式不断加强SOA的能力。We are also expanding the SOA horizon with the use of syndication protocols at the programming model level.

优于两者兼备,所以这种联合格式为建立发布协议提供一个灵活的层面。By providing both, the syndication format provides a flexible strata for the publication protocol to build on.

"真正简单的同步"使人们能够不用访问便能监测各个网页内容的更新。Really Simple Syndication is a way for people to monitor content updates without visiting individual websites.

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当存在大量的节点需要联合时,可考虑使用联合树使滞后最小化。To minimize a lag when there are a large number of nodes requiring syndication, consider using a syndication tree.

一天,其中的一个合伙人从他们中间撤出来了,于是你的邻居过来找你,并告诉你关于山间小屋的事。One partner drops out of the syndication and your neighbor comes to you and tells you about the cabin in the mountains.

就像我以前说过的,RSS供稿和网站聚合已经成为了向世界传递信息的事实标准。As I’ve said in the past, RSS feeds and web syndication have become the de facto standard of delivering new content to the world.

本文假设您对内容联合和已有的规范家族至少有基本的了解。This article assumes that you have at least a basic understanding of content syndication and the existing family of specifications.

即使他们本质上更小了,巨型公司也能继续直接或者通过企业联合组织来满足全球的任何经济需求。Even if they were substantially smaller, the largest firms could continue to meet any global financial demand either directly or through syndication.

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作为一个整体,这些扩展支持很多强大的特性,可以扩展基本联合格式标准的功能和价值。Taken as a whole, these extensions enable a number of powerful features that extend the capabilities and value of the base syndication format standard.

因此,未来的频道栏目经营策略将由单纯的栏目联播向多元化品牌栏目转化。Therefore the future channel column eyes management strategy will be converted toward diversified brand column eyes by the pure column eyes syndication.

如此,它们告知这两家公司它们希望修改他们之间的许可条款以获得在联合与增值方面争取更多的自由。As such, they informed Tele Atlas and NavTeq that they wanted to modify their license terms to allow more liberty with respect to syndication and proliferation.

SOA当中的分发是一个被忽视掉的悲伤的话题,然而WOA能带来一个广泛的技术集合,从聚合到非凡的低阻Web服务。Distribution of SOA is a woefully neglected topic and WOA can bring an extensive set of techniques, from syndication to extraordinarily low-impedance Web services.

芝麻街工坊通过产品授权以及向美国公共电视台和海外联合体出售芝麻街与其它节目实现营收。Sesame Workshop receives income from product licensing and the sale of Sesame Street and other programs to the Public Broadcasting Service and overseas syndication.

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激动星主要从事影视投资、制作发行、版权贸易、整合营销、数字节目分销等业务,是一家集影视策划、投资制作、营销为一体的复合型影视公司。The company is a comprehensive one which is professional in many fields including movie finance, productions, program syndication and distribution especially in new media areas.

如果说RSS阅读器通过强大的易用性改变了人们的生活,那么FriendFeed就是一个让内容聚合变得有趣的服务。If RSS readers will change your life and work through their awesome usefulness, FriendFeed is a service that makes syndication fun. It's one of the first places we go on the web every morning.

而之所以不进行联合投资,是担心随着参与方的增加产生的交易成本以及其他问题会降低投资效率。The reason for no syndication is that venture capitalists are concerned with decreasing efficiency of investment because of the transaction costs and other issues brought by added participators.