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我可以潇洒的让你走。I can cheesy let you go.

如果快乐的查里选择干酪海鲜汤了。If cheerful Charlie chose a cheesy chowder.

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如果快活的查里选择干酪海鲜场。If cheerful Charlie chose a cheesy choweder?

快乐的查里选择干酪海鲜汤了吗?Did cheerful Charlie choose a cheesy chowder?

他带我去看电影和我们吃几桶爆米花。He takes me to see movies and we eat buckets of cheesy pop- corn.

看见他戴那顶俗不可耐的高帽子我都快笑出声了。I nearly burst out laughing when I saw him in that cheesy top hat.

小摊贩销售着各种可爱的小饰物和奥运纪念品。Small vendors sold cheesy trinkets and knock-off Olympic souvenirs.

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你们确定要打赌我能否吃掉整桶芝士爆米花吗?And you guys are really daring me to eat this whole tub of cheesy popcorn.

有时,我几乎能闻到他温暖的奶酪味呼吸和他依然具有男孩气息的汗味。At times I can almost smell his warm cheesy breath and his still-boyish sweat.

有些非常通俗,你可以看出那只是简单的使用了滤镜效果而已。Some are very cheesy and you can easily tell that a simple filter has been used.

威尔士早餐——嗯嘛,仅仅是我或是那样一份干酪吐司让我漾起笑容吗?A Welsh breakfast—errrm is it just me or is that cheesy toast flashing me a smile?

当地人不愿和你交流,而你只能退而求其次,到处观光,拍一些咧着嘴傻笑的照片。The locals shun you and you are relegated to sightseeing and taking cheesy photos.

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嗯嘛,仅仅是我或是那样一份干酪吐司让我漾起笑容吗?A Welsh breakfast – errrm is it just me or is that cheesy toast flashing me a smile?

使用烤过的土豆做汤,你不需要什么时间就能得到一碗浓稠,嫩滑的鲜美汤汁。A creamy, cheesy soup comes together so quickly when the potatoes are already baked.

如果说接受并宽恕自己,也许这听起来让人觉得不值一提,但这就是事实。It sounds cheesy to say that you have to accept and forgive yourself, but it’s true.

而该书作者、37岁的酒井顺子本人就是一位潇洒的“单身贵族”。And this book author, wine well him straight of 37 years old is cheesy " lone noble ".

放一些我喜欢的,虽然有些廉价的迪斯科音乐,或是80年代的音乐,对着嘴形尽情的假唱。Turning on my favorite, most cheesy Disco or 1980s music and lip synching my heart out.

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我好乐!因为对我来说这是比俗气的玫瑰和巧克力好上一千倍的礼物。I was very happy. It makes a much better present than cheesy roses and chocolates to me.

没准儿他们是在为大大的干酪披萨午餐和香葱起司意面晚餐节省胃空间呢。Or maybe they’re saving themselves for a big cheesy pizza lunch and a pesto pasta dinner?

一次名人摄影活动,一个装模作样的摄影者用一只粗制滥造的手机来拍照?A celebrity photo shoot in which the pretentious photographer wields a cheesy cell-phone camera?