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你是个耍阴谋诡计的小魔鬼,对不对?You're a scheming little devil, aren't you?

他们正策画让她当选领导。They are scheming to get her elected as leader.

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我们在秘密商定穿越敌占区的计划。We are scheming to secretly cross the enemy territory.

把你埋在心底。这算不算心计。Bury you in the bottom of my heart. This is not scheming.

被宠豢的小狗猜疑宇宙计画要谋夺牠的地位。The pet dog suspects the universe for scheming to take it place.

运筹策帏帐之中,决胜千里之外。Scheming in the commander's tent win a battle a thousand li away.

自此以后,雅各仍有时在谋算和计划。From that time on, Jacob has had moments of scheming and planning.

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成天设计害人﹐你大概会以为姓蒋的会心力交瘁吧。With all that scheming going on, you'd think Jiang would be tired.

小狗怀疑大宇宙阴谋篡夺它的位寘。The fondle dog suspects the universe for scheming to take its location.

赫拉对宙斯沾花惹草的行为十分恼火,常常千方百计地设下圈套羞辱他。Vexed by his infidelities, she often humiliated him by her scheming ways.

现为中国电影团体筹划部编审、一级编剧。Presently for the China film group, the first-degree scheming proof-reader.

日前,我市前山河一河两岸滨水区规划方案正式出台。The Qianshanhe River Waterfronts Scheming plan was formally publicized recently.

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阿米特·埃奇奥尼对最近关于诡计多端的公司骗子的新闻标题一点都不吃惊。Amitai Etzioni is not surprised by the latest headings about scheming corporate crooks.

他得知真相之后愤然离去,他不过是想娶个没有心机的女子。He learned the truth, in anger depart, and he is but want to marry a woman without scheming.

因为害怕性命不保,亚伯兰选择用自己的计谋来控制大局。Out of fear for his own life, Abram chooses to try to control the situation by his own scheming.

“苦肉计是故意的,我们完全是自然天成。孩子哪会有这样的心机?”石泉辩解道。"Huang Gai did deliberately, but we did naturally. Can a kid be so scheming?" Shiquan explained.

杰克明白莉莉的心思,她的攻势越来越猛,他有些招架不住了。Jack knows Lily's scheming. He finds her offensive gets so intensive that he is unable to resist.

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主演的独立电影穷人的白色垃圾发挥策划黄金挖掘机沙质湖。Pressly starred in the independent film poor white trash playing scheming gold digger sandy lake.

当然,费尽心机的包装依旧不能保证脆弱的瓷器万无一失。Of course, of rack one's brains in scheming pack as before unwarrantable flimsy china no risk at all.

除了薄弱的生产环节,商业体制跟发展管理也远远追不…Apart from manufacturing link , business scheming and developing management cant up with global level.