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广播电台中断音乐节目。The broadcaster bit off the music programme.

播音员在昨天收到了这封信。The letter was received by the broadcaster yesterday.

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这场争论的针对者应该是那些广播公司。The main culprit of this whole controversy is the broadcaster.

鲍伯-道蒂来给我们讲述有关著名播音员约翰-梅登的故事。Bob Doughty tells us more about popular broadcaster John Madden.

她的声音那么刺耳,真难想象她是怎么当上播音员的。I cannot imagine how she became a broadcaster with her harsh voice.

焦利将在央视遭遇艰难的时刻担当重任。He will take the helm at a difficult time for the state broadcaster.

其中的一个颁给了M.C,去年在炸弹袭击下存活的一位黎巴嫩广播员。One went to M. C, a Lebanese broadcaster who survived a bomb attack last year.

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记者就此采访了日本广播公司NHK的研究主管高知久保田。Well, here's Kochi Kubota, who's research boss of the Japanese broadcaster NHK.

阿利斯于1969年从高尔夫球界退役,继而成为一名名成功的节目主持人。Alliss retired from golf in 1969 and went on to become a successful broadcaster.

暴雪则表示他们会赞助GOM——一个流行而独立的星际争霸赛事。Blizzard replied by sponsoring GOM, a popular independent StarCraft broadcaster.

在学生大规模生产的工业模型中,教师是广播员。In the industrial model of student mass production, the teacher is the broadcaster.

这位曾经的广播员及现今的喜剧女演员曾于1986年接受“拉里金现场”的采访。The former broadcaster andcurrent comedienne wenton "Larry King Live" back in 1986.

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巨人队的广播解说员迈克-苦口说,“不要问我它们是如何知道比赛就要结束了,它们就是有本事知道最佳的造访时间”。"Don't ask me how — they just know, " says Mike Krukow, a broadcaster with the Giants.

“我认为他的话非常精彩,”他在接受主持人泰威斯·斯迈里的采访时说。"I think it was brilliant, " he said in an interview with the broadcaster Tavis Smiley.

上个月,约翰-梅登宣布从国家足球联播音员的位置上退下来。Last month, John Madden announced his retirement as a National Football League broadcaster.

她的评论招来了愤怒,而她本人当场遭到了德国公共广播电台ARD的解雇。Outrage greeted her comments and she was fired on the spot by German public broadcaster ARD.

下个月该频道将播放威廉王子向凯特·米德尔顿求婚的影片。Next month the broadcaster will air a film about Prince William's courtship of Kate Middleton.

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梁继璋先生是香港一位名电台节目主持人,也是一位儿童心理学导师。Following is a letter to his son from a renown Hong Kong TV broadcaster cum Child Psychologist.

中央电视台称截止到上星期五,190名伤者中的一名不治身亡,死难人数已达到40人。The death toll rose to 40 Friday after one of the 190 injured died, state broadcaster CCTV said.

据悉,斯科拉里将在世界杯期间以评球嘉宾的身份任职于南非某国家电台。He is expected to work as an analyst for South Africa's national broadcaster during the World Cup.