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走过两扇门,黑洞洞的幽暗中显现出注目的题目。Two doors along, a rubric stood out from the tenebrous gloom.

这个问题通常是在“官能性肥胖”的题目下进行讨论。It is usually discussed under the rubric of 'functional obesity'.

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红字冲帐和蓝字反向冲帐是一个意思。Rubric strike a balance and blue word are retrorse strike a balance is a meaning.

采用下面三分制量规对本课中学生的工作打分。Use the following three-point rubric to evaluate students' work during this lesson.

从这个大背景来看,该活动属于解决问题的范畴。Viewed in its broader context, this activity falls under the rubric of problem solving.

IQ测试不能反映出进行‘优秀的思考’所需要的全部技能。They fall short of the full panoply of skills that would come under the rubric of 'good thinking'.

这个整理的过程会因情境不同而有所不同,但是所有这些都可以归为“图书馆管理学”。How that happens differs from situation to situation, but all of it falls under the rubric of library science.

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我的天哪,只要想想他们为消除贫民窟、破坏城市的做法吧。My god, if you think of the way in which they've destroyed parts of cities under the rubric of eliminating slums.

让我们来看两个例子,两者都难以被轻描淡写地归为“外部性”。Let us consider two examples, both of which would be difficult to subsume under the gentle rubric of "externalities."

在“结束公司福利”的通用标题下,他们宣称自己的目标是“结束未来救助的循环”。They claim that their goal is to “end the cycle of future bailouts,” under the general rubric of “ending corporate welfare.

记住这节课我想让你们学到的,不只是约翰福音也不只是约翰书。Now,remember,the rubric under which today's lecture happens is not just the Gospel of John and not just the letters of John.

你的论文必须遵循所有的规则,我们学到的英语写作课程。作为一个清单,它应该使用征文专栏。Your paper must follow all the rules we learned in the English Writing course. It should use the essay rubric as a checklist.

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将一个议程的要点列于不可谈判的条目下将标志谈判者是一个新手或者至少是一个虚弱的谈判者。Putting an agenda point under the rubric of non-negotiable will mark the practitioner as a novice or at least a weak bargainer.

新加坡很快地为他们的法律系统辩护并且反对那些控告和偏见,而Shadrake先生的罪行也归入了习俗类。Singapore is quick to defend the judicial system against any accusation of bias, and Mr Shadrake’s offence fell under that rubric.

从2002年起中国和俄罗斯已经展开共同合作在预防外太空军备竞赛特别委员会的帮助下提出了一个关于将太空武器列为非法的框架协议的草案。Since2002china and russia have been working to** her under the paros rubric to present ideas on a framework agreement outlawing space weapons.

包含手稿项目中的结尾语,即文本完成时的结尾语,不包含可能出现在其后的按语或版权页标记。Contains the explicit of a manuscript item, that is, the closing words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric or colophon which might follow it.

使用书面评分表先在纸上打好分数后再在下方的短表中输入分数,按TAB键来在各空格中移动。Score this project using a printed Peer Review Rubric and then enter the scores in the short form below. Hit the TAB key to move from field to field.

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利用你熟悉的事物,和你很亲近的事物,当你引出一个新事物时,你可以把它放在你熟悉的事物的范畴下。There could be familiar things that you are close to and you could bring in together new things as falling under the rubric of these familiar things.

可归纳性分析显示,利用现有的训练方法和9点评级标准可得到中度可重复性的PN分数。The generalizability analysis indicated that moderately reproducible PN scores could be obtained using the existing training methods and 9-point rating rubric.

本文目的主要在于从政治学的学科角度,针对涉及这种议题联结的八项研究课题,进行文献讨论和评析。This article aims to offer a critical literature review, from the perspective of political science, on the eight key research areas under the rubric of such issue linkages.