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我不过是摩天大楼上的一个指纹。I'm a thumbprint on the window of a skyscraper.

没有人会有相同的指纹或者相同的序号。No person will have the same thumbprint or number.

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还有谁能比你伪装得更像“拇指纹杀手”?And who better to fake a Thumbprint killing than you?

在每一处签名的地方,我按下了绿色的拇指手印。Next to each place I signed, I put a green-ink thumbprint.

在车上,杰克将他从枪手身上切下来的那个拇指贴在扫描仪上,然后将指纹发送给技术部。From his car, Jack digitally sends the thumbprint to a tech.

增加一个具有数字化的拇指指纹应该不会特别难。It would not be especially difficult to add a digitized thumbprint.

人们普遍相信每个人的指纹都是不同的。It is a commonplace belief that the thumbprint of every human who has ever lived is different.

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那么这个以艺术家本人拇指指纹为印的戳记,是否可以超越文化差异呢?The thumbprint of the artist can act as the signature stamp transcending cultural differences?

如果我们有一个可以避免滥用药物遗传指纹,那将是很方便的。And if we had a genetic thumbprint for how likely you are to suffer from drug abuse, how convenient that would be.

充满梦想的年轻人从贫困的巴基斯坦飞抵沙特首都雅利得,护照上按着指纹。Illiterate young men from rural Pakistan fly into Riyadh, Saudi Arabia's capital, their passports signed with a thumbprint.

胸前印著的熊猫指印是熊猫超人的标志,不过,熊猫超人戴的红色围巾,却是周杰伦独创的。The thumbprint of panda on the chest is the symbol of Panda Superhero. However, the red scaft wore by Panda Superhero is designed by Jay exclusively.

人格标识是民事主体标表其个性特征的人身识别因素,对其进行商业化的开发利用可以获取巨大的经济利益。Mark of personality is an identity factor for civil subject to indicate his thumbprint , which shall be exploited and bring enormous economic interest.

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办学特色是高校的生命力所在,反映了高校综合实力的优势及个性特征。The characteristics of running a college is the vitality of a college and it can reflect the advantage of the school's integrated power and its thumbprint.

单瓣,白色镶粉红色拇指般大小块状于花瓣端上,星形花,中绿色叶。半迷你型。Single stars of white have bold " thumbprint " markings on each petal, in shades of pink. This delightful variety has medium green, semiminiature foliage. Semiminiature.

隐形黑色空军挑战者'汽'特征指纹进入兰博基尼“剪刀门”,一个自定义的隐形与Jet的增强和碳纤维外饰车身套件…The stealth-black Air Force Challenger 'Vapor' features thumbprint access to the Lamborghini "scissor doors" a custom Stealth body kit with Jet enhancements and a carbon fiber exterior trim.

黏乎乎的地面,斑驳剥落的墙壁,端上来的菜盘子上还有油腻的大拇指印,但别担心,这家餐馆获得三颗星评级,它的菜肴不会让你失望。The floor's sticky, the paint's peeling from the walls, and when your meal arrives there's a greasy thumbprint on the plate. But don't worry--the food at this restaurant lives up to its three stars.