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年轻姑娘向我友好地挥了挥手。The young lady gave me a neighborly wave.

第一,以必要的睦邻友好关系是界定前线。The first requisite to good- neighborly relations is a defined front line.

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这份文件的根本出发点,表明了中国和印度要发展睦邻友好关系的共同愿望和共同利益。The two sides agreed that China and India have a mutual desire for good neighborly relations and have broad common interests.

首先,你将住进4~6个人的宿舍,因此你要适应集体生活和别人友好的相处。In the first place, you will live in dorm with maybe 4 or 6 guys. So collectivity lives need you to make neighborly with others.

中国的“软实力”和“睦邻友好政策”究竟出了什么问题,那可是这些年来听的人们耳朵都长出老茧的说法。What happened to China's much vaunted "soft power" and "good neighborly" diplomacy about which we have heard so much in recent years?

与邻人友好相处的设法是否过时了?1965年,纽约城停电,使得成千上万的人惊悸失措。Is the idea of being neighborly old-fashioned?In 1965, a power failure hit New York City, and many thousands of people were left stranded.

我本能地想对旁边两位大学生年龄的姑娘说声“哈喽”,然后用中文作些友善的交谈。My initial instinct was to say "Hello" to the two college-aged women sitting next to me, and strike up a good neighborly conversation in Chinese.

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印、巴两国数十年来一直维持着堪称现代历史上最为敌对的邻国关系,两国在其喜马拉雅山边界一线均部署有重兵。Decades into one of the most bitter neighborly rivalries in modern history, both countries maintain huge troop deployments along their Himalayan border.

加强中国-东盟睦邻友好符合我们的共同利益,也是我们的共同责任。Strengthening China-ASEAN neighborly friendship is in line with the common interest of the two sides and is the joint responsibility of the two sides as well.

阿富汗的安全与稳定离不开经济发展,而发展需要一个和平稳定的周边环境。Security and stability in Afghanistan cannot be achieved without economic development. And development is possible only in a peaceful and stable neighborly environment.

对于较常见、没啥新闻价值的行为也是如此——在赈济处工作、将宠物带给私人疗养院的人们、帮陌生人指路、对邻居友好。The same holds for more common, less newsworthy acts — working in soup kitchens, taking pets to people in nursing homes, helping strangers find their way, being neighborly.

政治上,两国彻底解决了边界问题,使中俄边界进一步成为睦邻友好的纽带。In the political aspect, the two countries solved the border problem completely, turning the border between China and Russia into a bridge for further neighborly friendship.

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我们将会一直坚持“睦邻友好”政策和“培养一个和谐的、安全的、繁荣的邻边关系”。We will adhere to the policies of "pursuing good neighborly relations and partnership with neighbors" and "fostering a harmonious, secure and prosperous neighborly environment".

中国所奉行的“与邻为善、以邻为伴”的外交政策进一步拉近了中国与周边国家的关系。China pursues a foreign policy of building good neighborly relationships and partnerships with neighboring countries, which consolidated the relationship with neighboring countries.

我们将长期奉行“与邻为善、以邻为伴”的方针,永远做东盟的好邻居、好伙伴、好朋友。We will continue to follow the long-term policy of pursuing good neighborly relations and partnership with our neighbors, and be a good neighbor, good partner and good friend of ASEAN forever.

他说,我国同广大发展中国家的友好关系继续加强,与周边国家的睦邻友好合作关系全面发展。China has continued to strengthen friendly relations with other developing countries and developed in an all-round way good- neighborly friendship and cooperation with its surrounding countries.

中方高度重视同阿富汗的睦邻友好关系,我们希望看到一个和平稳定、独立自主、发展进步、睦邻友善的阿富汗。China highly values its good neighborly and friendly relationship with Afghanistan and hopes to see a peaceful and independent Afghanistan enjoying stability, development and good-neighborliness.

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未来的城市正变成一个友好的环形监狱,大家共有的窥视和防窥视的能力逐渐丧失,哪怕一个掏鼻子的动作都会被看到,并公布上传到互联网上。The city of the future is shaping up to be a neighborly Panopticon, leeched of the cosmopolitan ability to see, and not be seen, where every nosepick is noted and logged and uploaded to the Internet.

申命记还强调社会公正和个人道德,以及邻里责任,上帝自身的代表弱者和被压迫者的,正直的行为是以色列人正直行为的范本。Deuteronomy also emphasizes social justice and personal ethics and neighborly responsibility. God's own righteous behavior on behalf of the weak and the oppressed is a model for Israel's righteous behavior.