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1608年人们发明了望远镜。The telescope was invented in 1608.

这个因素取决于主镜。This is determined by the telescope.

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他调好望远镜以适合眼睛观看。He adjusted the telescope to his eye.

他用远镜扫视地平线。He swept the horizon with a telescope.

他调好望远镜以适合眼睛观看。Eg. He adjusted the telescope to his eye.

船长正在调他的望远镜。The captain was rectifying his telescope.

这具望远镜可缩套到原来的一半大小。This telescope collapses to half its size.

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神奇望远镜揭示宇宙新瑰奇Awesome telescope sheds new light on cosmos

我建议将研讨会缩短为一个小时。I suggest we telescope the seminar into an hour.

什么?就是那个有个大望远镜的老弗兰克兰吗?What, old Frankland who has the large telescope?

不论到哪里他总是随身带着望远镜He carried a telescope with him wherever he went.

那做望远镜上面的转仪钟是个伟大的创意吗?Was the clock drive for a telescope a great idea?

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远镜使我们看到许多遥远的恒星。The telescope reveals a lot of distant stars to us.

记得走的时刻将千里镜整理起来放好。Remember to put away the telescope before you leave.

是望远镜分辨细节的本领。This is the ability of a telescope to render detail.

通过望远镜观察无法解决这个问题。Obsevation by telescope has not settled the question.

望远镜把许多遥远的星球显现在我们的眼前。The telescope reveals many distant stars to our sight.

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步枪范围,是一个折射望远镜使用步枪。A rifle scope is a refractor telescope used on a rifle.

“奋进”号上的一只机器手将抓住望远镜并托住它。A robot-arm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope.

世界最大射电望远镜台址在贵州正式开挖建设。Construction of world's largest radio telescope begins.