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争论者损失的只是智力。It is only the intellectually lost who ever argue.

贾里德的生活要比山姆的更富有智慧和多元化。Jared lives a much more intellectually diverse life than Sam.

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从这个意义上讲,在智力上,她从他身上永远获取不够。In this sense, intellectually she never receives enough from him.

你当然有权遵循保守的教条。Certainly you're entitled to an intellectually conservative canon.

举一个你解决过的智力难题。Gimme an example of an intellectually difficult problem you solved?

聆赏最益智动听、轻快明亮的乐曲。Appreciating the most intellectually engaging, bright and lively tune.

学生们都应该德、智、体全面发展。All the students should develop morally, intellectually and physically.

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这两个风象星座在智力等一切方面都十分相称。These two air signs are well suited intellectually and every other way.

学生在德智体方面全面发展。All the students should develop morally , intellectually and physically.

他的第一步是做学生,仅有智性上的兴趣。His first stage is the student, where he is just intellectually interested.

无论在体力和智力上,妇女都被认为比男人弱。Women are thought of as weaker than men both physically and intellectually.

他的智力完全可以使得他同时成为这两个邻域的大师。Certainly he was intellectually capable of become the master of both fields.

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那个时候的一无所知是“头脑”的一无所知。At that time, the not-knowing place was a place of not knowing intellectually.

就学术上而言,这或许比重写中央银行条规的书还要不让人兴奋。It may be less exciting intellectually than rewriting central banks’ rule-books.

一个是静态的生活和思想上没有挑战性可能很快变乏味。A life that is static and intellectually unchallenging can quickly become boring.

合格的大学生应当德、智、体全面发展。Qualified college students should develop morally, intellectually and physically.

剽窃或者其他形式的欺骗都是知识上和人格上的不诚实。Plagiarism or other forms of cheating are intellectually and personally dishonest.

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我觉得他们与如今的耶鲁学生相比心智没有那么活跃。They strike me as less intellectually adventurous than the Yale students of today.

除此之外,美联储理应理智地为这种情况作准备。Beyond that, the Fed was supposed to be intellectually prepared for this situation.

“最终,当然,是我们的大脑让我们有人类的智力,”他说。"Ultimately, of course, what makes us intellectually human is our brain, " he says.